I saw a duck wearing polka dotted shoes!

Hello everyone. I didn't write yesterday because I just didn't feel like it. It snowed on Sunday night and I had to shovel the sidewalk that leads to the door. I went to the dentist and he filled my two cavities, and it really didn't hurt. It only took him about thirty minutes and he didn't even put any kind of anesthetic on my right side because the cavity there was small. I got home around five and did my usual stuff. I then went out and got the Seinfeld DVD, seasons 1&2, which is really good. It's even got the special from NBC that they showed about a month ago. It also has one of my favorite epsiodes "The Revenge", it's so funny to watch Kramer try to fit a laundry bag of concrete into a washing machine.

I went to my clarinet and guitar lessons today. I'm doing good at both of them. My teacher told me about these play along cds with jazz bands on them that I can play along with. Another teacher who works where I take lessons says he has one that he doesn't use and he's going to give it to me. The guy who goes to my school is so cute, I always get nervous around him and he's so nice to me. I like him but I know that since I look and feel like I'm just a younger sister to him, that that's how he feels about me. I kind of felt the need to admit that, though.

I also had to shovel out the driveway today because my Dad is stupid and didn't feel the need to hook up the plow unit to his lawnmower because he didn't think that it would snow around December. I shoveled out enough to back my car out but not enough to get the car out of the driveway. I was shoveling the area around the road so I could get the car out of the driveway, when this guy in a truck with a plow unit honked at me. I thought he wanted to go around the corner near my house wide, or that maybe I was in the road and I didn't realize it. Instead, he plowed out the front end of the driveway and I was done with my work and I can now get my car in and out without a problem.

Tomorrow my Dad has to wake me up early so that I can take a bath before the shut the water off. They were supposed to do it on Monday, but they didn't and they didn't do it today either. Dad says they're going to do it the first day that the temperature is above freezing, which would be tomorrow. They're shutting it off from eight to four and I don't want to walk around hairy all day (I take a bath when I shave because I slice my legs when I try to shave in the shower). My Dad has to bring my car to the dealer to get inspected because the sticker runs out at the end of the month. I'm glad because the old sticker has been trying to come off the windshield for the past two years.

I have to go to Kohl's and return all the ugly clothes my Aunt's sister bought me. I think she should have just taken me with her and let me pick out my own stuff so I could get things I like. I hope they give me money because I don't really want anything there. I could get gloves and stuff, but I don't really need that much of them and I know my Aunt's sister probably bought me a hundred dollars worth of clothes. I also have to go the Guitar Center and look into getting a multi track recorder to help me learn to play with an accompaniment.

Not much else is going on. I got my Dad a card for his birthday and he seemed to like it. He didn't thank me or anything, but I think he appreciated it. I'm sorry I don't have much to say, I don't do much around now. I want to clean my room sometime next week and go shopping on Friday, I was hoping to ask Carbon to come with me. I wish she was online more often, it seems like no one I first knew or talked to when I got AIM is on anymore, either that or I don't want to talk to them online anymore. It kind of sucks and I'm thinking of getting rid of it, but I'm lazy about that stuff. I should probably just clean out my buddy list to only include people who I want to or might talk to. I'm going to get ready for bed now. I'll write more later.

<< Tuesday, Dec. 28, 2004@9:58 p.m.>>


Photo Bucket Album
unique design


My name is Racecar, and I'm a music composition major at URI. I'm a senior this year and so I'm getting ready to both finish college and head out into the real world. Join me on my adventure, won't you?

