Mr. Lambchop, tv show ranting and my need for sleep.

Hello. I wrote this entry before, but Diaryland, being evil, wouldn't let me save it! Well, it's not that bad, really.

Today I went swimming and fed FiFi's cats. It went better today than it did yesterday, considering I got in the house myself this time (my dad needed to help me with the door before). I filled their food and water dishes, and I got FiFi's mail and put it on her table, but when I did, I had a problem.

She has one outdoor cat, and I had a hard time getting him inside yesterday. FiFi told me that I really should try not to let him out, only because he's a bit hard to get. So, when I went to get the mail, not only did he try to get out, but so did her other cats. I managed to get all the others out of my way, except for the one who is allowed outside.

He's a big fat cat, and his name is Bounder. He got near the open door, and tried to run out, but I picked him up and put him down. While I did this, he scratched me and tried to bite me. I wasn't hurt, but I think I may have made him really angry. After that, another cat went up to him to lick him, and he tried to scratch her, too. She just happened to be the cat who scracthed me yesterday. Yet, they're all really nice cats.

I talked to Mr. Lambchop tonight. He has been online lately, but he's always playing his game, so he has an away message on his messenger, which I don't understand. Why does AIM log you in as long as you are on your computer? You should be logged in as long as you want to log in, since that's what I would like. Then again, most of my friends are never on, so I don't really care, and AIM's alright with me, though I heard you can hack into it and get someone ISP from it, which scares me.

I probably should go to bed, because I have to get up early and wake my mom up and go with her to the doctor. I'm kind of staying up to watch one of my favorite shows "Sheep in the Big City" on Cartoon Network, but I can't now, since it's not on until 4 a.m. I hate that, because it's a really good show (kind of like Rocky and Bullwinkle, but with a sheep) and it used to be on during prime time, but for some reason it's not. I don't understand why tv executives never allow the good shows to be on at the same time for a long period of time so they can gain an audience, but they always show commercials for shitty shows. Like most of the new NBC shows, they look so crappy, but ads for them are on all the time, and most of their good shows aren't on during the summer, and I must be one of the few who misses them during the winter.

Mr. Lambchop and I talked for a while. He's the only person (along with FiFi) who's coming to my end of summer party, since I'm too lazy to call everyone, which I will hopefully do tomorrow, instead of updating my diary (sorry, not like anyone reads this anyway). I really need to get some sleep, and maybe watch more tv.

Your insane friend in the sky,


<< Saturday, Aug. 17, 2002@12:55 a.m.>>


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My name is Racecar, and I'm a music composition major at URI. I'm a senior this year and so I'm getting ready to both finish college and head out into the real world. Join me on my adventure, won't you?

