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I'm going to write quick, since I won't be able to write tomorrow night because I have English class, though I think that class will be okay. I got up early this morning and went to my Math class. I think I will do okay in Math lab, but I do need to take a test a week, which really sucks. I already did about half of the first chapter at home today, and I'm hoping to do the rest of it, or at least most of the rest, in school tomorrow. It's hard to learn things so quickly and I'm worried that I won't be able to remember all of the things I learned today and the stuff I will learn tomorrow for the test, which I plan to take Thursday. Part of me thinks that I can handle it though, I have always been very self disciplined, which is good.

I came home and did some of my homework, then I took a nap. I went to the bank and cashed my check, which was pretty big this week, almost two hundred dollars. My Dad told me that there is a bent rod in my car from back in November and that if it is not fixed soon my car will begin to rust and it will mess up the driver's side door. That means that on Wednesday we are going to the body shop he goes to and we're going to see what they are going to charge me. I really want the door fixed because having four speakers is driving me crazy, but I doubt they could do both at the same time, and I doubt that I could afford it anyway. I also have to buy the new Mac OS and I have to get my clarinet fixed, so it looks like my dream of owning a Gibson is far off, but I'm going to beg for money around my birthday from anyone who will give me any, and hopefully I will be able to have some saved up by then as well.

I have to go to Best Buy tomorrow to get Seinfeld season 4 on DVD and I might buy the Sealab 2021 DVD while I'm there, too. It got canceled and I missed the last episode, which really bums me out and it was the only one to feature Captain Murphy, who was by far my favorite character (he was on the show until season three, because the guy who played him died). The only good thing is that Arrested Development is going to be on in the fall and so is the Office, though I like Arrested Development a million times more. Scrubs isn't going to be on in the fall, which is weird and kind of makes me sad, they said it's going to return but not for a while. I know, I pay too much attention to tv, but I honestly have no life.

I have to get ready to go to bed now. I'll try and write more tomorrow, but I will probably write more on Wednesday, which is okay because I don't think much will change during the day tomorrow or at night. I really wish I wasn't in summer classes so I could stay up late, but I feel like I can't live until I get out of college. It just seems like there is so much work invovled. I want to live life more than anything right now because I definately feel like I am not. I feel like I have been living my life the same way for eighteen years and it really sucks. I'm going to stop myself now, because I know the rest will sound depressing and I'll go to bed crying. Good night.

<< Monday, May. 16, 2005@10:07 p.m.>>


Photo Bucket Album
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My name is Racecar, and I'm a music composition major at URI. I'm a senior this year and so I'm getting ready to both finish college and head out into the real world. Join me on my adventure, won't you?

