Let's Write Letters to Donald Trump!

Today wasn't a very good day. I got my sneakers for work and Blake chewed the shoelaces, so I had nothing to wear besides my Converse. Well, of course, they need to be broken in and they ended up being broken in while I was working. That really fucking hurt and pretty much every shoe in that department looked a million times better than mine. It was funny because Colleen was trying on shoes and mocking me by telling me how comfortable they were. There's this pair there that she is madly in love with, and later on at night the Jewlery girl and a girl from Electronics were trying on shoes in my department. It seemed like everyone was doing it, but I was too busy working and my socks looked like shit.

My Grandma told me about how she wrote a letter to Donald Trump at three in the morning one night because she had nothing better to do. She wrote that he should put a playground where the Twin Towers used to be because children are our future. I think that is a strange idea, but maybe it is a good one. I kind of like the idea of rebuidling the Twin Towers, but I do think it would need to be heavily guarded and so maybe it would not be worth it. Does anyone have their own ideas about what do with Ground Zero? I just found it funny that my Grandmother would write a letter so late at night.

I got yelled at by the head of the store for clocking out a minute late sometime last week. I don't know why that is such a big deal, but apparently it was on a report or something. The thing is, he said this in front of Colleen, which I thought was kind of embarassing and rude on his part because he could have talked to me in private or talked to me at the end of the night. He also didn't do a very good job of explaining what I was supposed to do when that happened, and even Colleen didn't understand what he was saying to me or why he was mad at me. I have to admit that I cried after that, but having Colleen around made me feel better. She has such a great attitude and a great sense of humor as well. I really hope to learn to be like that someday myself.

The concert was fun last night. I actually kind of liked seeing Jet, even though everyone seems to hate them. Seeing Oasis was fun, but I had to leave early which sucked because I missed the encore, and everyone said it was great. I didn't even sleep good last night because I just couldn't. I think it was because I had my sunscreen still on. We sat on the lawn, but the people there were really rude, with these guys in front of us smoking tons of pot and the guy next to us clapping really loud. The girls behind us were sticking their feet out and it was hard for us to sit down, too. It was fun to see Oasis though, but it was weird because one of the brothers was playing guitar and the other had his hands in his pockets the whole time, with a hat over his eyes so no one could see them. Neither one of them talked much no matter who was singing, which sucked becuase I expected some of their strange banter. You know, how they're always bitching about other bands and swearing and stuff like that. All they did was say the names of the songs they played and that wasn't until later in the set. It was fun to see them and hopefull I can see them again sometime and stay until the very end. If I was alone I probably would have.

I'm going to go to bed now because I am tired from last night and I have to work tomorrow, too. I really hope tomorrow is better than today was. The only really good thing that happened today was that the Red Sox won, while the Yankees and the Orioles lost. That means that Boston is leading the AL East by a game and a half. I'm so happy because I really didn't think it would happen, and they won yesterday, too, even though Wakefield was pitching and his record up until his last two games was terrible. It's nice to see them hit their stride, even though I know it won't last, I hope that they can lead the AL East again come September so they can play into October again. If they can do it, I think they could win the World Series again. I think I can sleep quite well tonight, even though it's hot as hell in RI. Good night!

<< Saturday, Jun. 25, 2005@10:36 p.m.>>


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My name is Racecar, and I'm a music composition major at URI. I'm a senior this year and so I'm getting ready to both finish college and head out into the real world. Join me on my adventure, won't you?

