The Anti-Love Story (aka- Why are there candy hearts in the computer room?)

I'm not feeling too good right now, not just mentally, but physically as well. I can't hear too good in my left ear, I'm starting to cough, my throat hurts and my nose is dripping like a faucet. So, I have to go to the doctor in a few minutes, but my regular doctor isn't open, so I have to go to the emergency room. Do you know why the doctor's office isn't open? Because the people in this town thought it would be really cool if they ripped up 117 and Gervais Street, which both lead to Route 3, which is the main road in Welfare Town. My doctor is on 117, right near Carbon's house, but because they're doing construction in front of her house, no one can go on 117 without having to wait an hour or so. I hate it, because I'll be at the emergency room for at least an hour before I get into a room, and another hour before anyone comes and sees me. Also, I know they're going to say I have an infection and give me Amoxil, because that's what always happens when I get sick.

I also don't have the money to pay the doctor. You see, my Dad got his truck fixed at the dealer on his two days off, Wednesday and Thursday, because he works at Foxwoods, and they make him work on all holidays, including Christmas, unless it falls on his days off. He dropped the truck off on Tuesday night, and it was just a simple paint job because the bedliner scratched the paint underneath off. He went on Thursday, to see if it was done, and it wasn't. So, they gave him a 1993 Ford Taurus, because it's a Ford dealership. I thought it would be cool, because my Mom's old 1988 Taurus was really nice inside and gave a good ride. This car though, was like the car from hell. It stalled out on us when we went to pick up my car, because my Dad left it there when he got the Taurus. It had an exhaust leak and the windshield had a huge crack, that was about an inch away from blocking my Dad's view. Still, my Dad had to keep it, but it stalled out on him three times yesterday, once on an on ramp to Route 95, so he had to take it back and get his truck. He didn't work yesterday and instead sat around the house and took me to my guitar lessons.

I literally cried at my guitar lessons, because this guy just ticks me off. He talks and talks and talks for most of the hour, mostly about listening and good jazz musicians and it makes me feel dumb. He won't even let me play a song out of my jazz book because he says I'm not ready. So, we're working out of the Berklee book, which is what everyone around here calls a Modern Method for Guitar. I like the books, though I had to get my book rebound because the pages were falling out. I finished the first book pretty much with my last guitar teacher, who I still go to because he gives me actual stuff to play. This new guy wants me to go over all of the duets, which is a good amount because the book is two hundred pages (almost). Guess what page he has me start out on? Page 10. I spent TWO years working on this damn book, I'm pretty much done with it, but let me start all over again on it. I know open chords, I know barre chords and I know how to play whole notes, quarter notes and eighth notes. He honestly thinks that I cannot play anything remotely interesting and unlike my other teacher, he doesn't realize that playing a stupid song with only quarter and whole notes in it for two weeks can get boring.

Anyway, I have to go to the doctor now and wait for hours for what I already know. I hope that I'll feel a little bit better in time for Monday. I'll write more later.

<< Saturday, Sept. 25, 2004@8:46 a.m.>>


Photo Bucket Album
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My name is Racecar, and I'm a music composition major at URI. I'm a senior this year and so I'm getting ready to both finish college and head out into the real world. Join me on my adventure, won't you?

