British people are kind of cool

I've been kind of busy and yet bummed out lately. I was too tired last night to write and I had to get up early to go to guitar lessons. I just feel bad because I don't really have a life and I don't have any money. My Grandma asked me if I had made any friends at school last night and I haven't so it kind of bummed me out just thinking about it. That and I read that Jimmy Eat World are coming back to Providence, just like I had hoped they would. Man, it's so weird, because I'm listening to internet radio and they just came on it right now. Freaky. Anyway, they're playing the Dunkin' Donuts Center (everything around here has an crappy name), I think they'll be lucky if it's still standing, because there's a bunch of seats that are broken and that place hasn't been fixed up since the seventies. I really want to go, but guess what? I have no money and no one to go with me, so I doubt I will be going. I'm going to try and beg my Dad, but I asked him if we could go bowling over the summer and guess what he said: "If we have money." How expensive is it to go bowling? I have to go and try and apply at Wal Mart, maybe tomorrow. I think I'll go Monday actually, because I have to go right by there after clarinet lessons. They're opening some superstore in Welfare Town and where they were is becoming the Town Hall and Police Station.

You see, the Town Hall in Welfare Town is with the library meaning our library really sucks and has pretty much nothing. So, they're raising our taxes to pay for all this stupid crap. They're going to redo the library, hopefully it will be as nice as the one in Warwick (they have a coffee shop and a special computer lab in it's own room, plus their library has mulitple floors!), though I doubt it. They reassed the house and nearly doubled the tax value. That's such bull, if anything, this house is worth less than last year. It's falling apart! I mean, our kitchen has black cabinets! Black! That has got to be my least favorite color because it is so dead and lifeless, even orange cabinets would look better, I don't like to be depressed when I eat. Then there's all the almond stuff and it's always extra to buy an almond colored oven or fridge, which sucks.

Anyway, not much else is going on. I'm feeling much better now physically and I think I'm going to try and convince my Dad to let me go to the Jimmy Eat World concert, because honestly, any popular band that would come to Providence even though they aren't from around here is just awesome. At least in my opinion since Green Day always seems to go to Worcester or some other place that is far away. They announced more tour dates and where are they going? Freaking Lowell, which is two or three hours away! My Dad wouldn't let me go and I probably couldn't and he couldn't, either. They're even going to Albany, so it made me even more depressed, because if I had gone to that shit college at least I would've gotten to see Green Day live. Another band I'll only get to see when the Grammys come on, which is why I hate New England because nobody really pays attention to this part of the country, even if the Patriots seem like they will win the Super Bowl tomorrow, no one really takes this part of the country seriously. It sometimes feels like it's another planet or something, the way no one really cares what happens here. I'm suprised the President never tries to come to this area of the country since he isn't popular here at all, he should at least try to please some of the people out here who don't like him.

I didn't do much else today, I'm going to spend tomorrow working on my homework and then get some gas for my car if I can. Yesterday I spent my day running around. Piano was boring as usual and Jazz History wasn't so bad because now he's gotten into talking about the different instruments in jazz and how they're used, which I find intersting, better than hearing about what a lead sheet is and all that stuff that I already know. Music Theory was boring because we had a test and it was really easy because it was all review stuff, I can't believe that we've been reviewing for three weeks now, it seems like forever, I would really like to learn some new stuff, because this old stuff is getting really boring. I'm also starting to think the whole point of college is to be in a constant state of being broke, because even kids in my class seem like they never have money, even some kids don't have enough to buy books. It always makes me mad how we need to get this dumb education at college to get a good job (which isn't always true, my uncle on my father's side flunked out of URI and now he drives a Porsche Boxster, does that sound bad to you? He even went to Germany on vacation to buy it and drove it around for a month! My father went to college and he can't even afford to go to the movies!) is just to make is so that once you get that good job, you get to spend half the money you make paying off your college education. I don't know, it just seems like sometimes in life we just do stuff to make things more complicated for us, do you know what I mean?

There is this guy in my Theory class and he is so cute, but I'm not sure why I think he is cute. He looks kind of British because he has this long coat that he always wears. He always has on nice clothes too, like he shops at some store where everything looks formal, it's so cute. He's kind of quiet too, not loud or rude or anything, not that he doesn't talk. I can't imagine him driving some fast car with tinted windows and rap coming out loudly. I think that's why I kind of like him, but since I don't know much about him, I can't really say anything about him and have it mean anything and I already know how this ends. I never talk to him and he never talks to me and nothing happens, even though I want something to and he probably has a girlfriend already or he doesn't like anything I like, or if I'm really unlucky, both. The guy from Western Civ last semester is in my English class and he is cute and smart, but he likes to watch the Ashlee Simpson show and listen to My Chemical Romance. I can't repsect anyone who willingly watches MTV, I like the way he thinks, but I don't think we have much in common at all. Yet I watch VH1 all the time and it's basically the same channel, since they're both owned by the same company but VH1 doesn't show the same shows.

I really like British radio stations. It's nice to hear a British guy say "Good Morning!" when it's eleven at night (it took me an hour to write this entry, I keep looking at the tv and switching radio stations, plus it's a long entry about nothing, it's like Seinfeld) and they play some good stuff, too. I even got another song for squareone that I might add tomorrow. If it's not already there, but if it is I have another one to add instead and it's a good one, but I can't find the lyrics online so I'll have to type it myself. There's no "insert" key on an Apple, which I think is great, does anyone ever use that button? It's when you accidentally hit it that sucks because then hitting the spacebar in the middle of words deletes the letters. I also noticed Curb Your Enthusiasm and Seinfeld are always on at the same time, seven to seven thirty and eleven to eleven thirty, which sucks becuase I always end up watching Seinfeld, though I didn't tonight because the first episode was on (the one with the waitress named Claire and that woman with the fiancee who stays over Jerry's) and I just think it's the worst because everyone's timing is funny and Kramer knocks at the door which he never does after.

I have to go to bed now and get some sleep becuase I woke up early today to my lessons. I hate the way that you always want to do stuff on weekends but you can't because you're too tired to. Do you know what I mean? It really sucks. I'm going to bed now. Good night!

<< Saturday, Feb. 05, 2005@10:30 p.m.>>


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My name is Racecar, and I'm a music composition major at URI. I'm a senior this year and so I'm getting ready to both finish college and head out into the real world. Join me on my adventure, won't you?

