If you see a bunch of odd letters and numbers, it's because my head hit the keyboard.

Wow, I've been reduced to writing entries at tweleve in the morning, how sad! I probably could've written an entry earlier, but I was too busy playing guitar and watching music videos. It's a good thing, too, because now I have two very different songs in my head, both of which will be making debuts in the lyric diary very soon, since I found the lyrics during the Diaryland downtime that just occured, and seems to occur more and more often. I hope it gets fixed soon, I love Diaryland, much more than teenopendiary.

Things with FiFi are okay now, and she wrote an entry thanking me for helping to put up her template. It looks really nice, I think. I just have to fix a few links in it, once Diaryland lets me. I set up her profile, too, and I'm glad she's not mad at me for it. She can change her password when she reads this if she wants to, I don't mind.

I joined two new diaryrings, Audioslave and Radiohead, both of which I'm suprised I didn't join before. I have a song by each band caught in my head, and they're fighting it out. It sounds really odd. I just got the new Radiohead cd, which means I'm one step closer to needing a new cd case, like I didn't already.

When we went to Best Buy (where else?) to get the cd, because it was on sale for ten bucks, my Dad looked at cell phones. You see, he's had this shitty Ericsson phone for two years, and almost every day, the battery dies. The wireless company, Cingular, won't let him change his phone, even though he needs to. I have a shit pay as you go phone from AT&T Wireless, which means the Customer Service is crap, so is the phone and the reception. My Dad usually got good reception, so I'm not exactly sure why he didn't just change the Cingular plan and get two new phones.

He drove to this wireless place down the hill from Best Buy. He went in, but I didn't think we'd be in long, because Ginger (who is inside my Dad's room, at the door whimpering, she probably wants to go in the living room again) was in the truck. We went in, and my Dad asked the guy about phone plans, and he told us about this $59.99 for two phones, with free nights and weekends and some odd minutes that I don't remember. My Dad asked about the phones, and he showed us a regular phone, and a flip phone. We got the flip phone, and now we have a new calling plan with Verizon, though my Dad doesn't like them either, because they're also the regular phone company (along with the cable company, but my Dad's too lazy to switch, but I know he wants to).

I don't like the phone company either. I'm pretty sure that if you don't know by now, you should at least have an idea of where I live. I live in Rhode Island, the smallest state in the country (yet I live in one of the country's largest towns, let me know when that makes sense). Yet, we have toll calls. I can't call North Kingstown, which I could drive to in fifteen minutes, without having to pay a toll! Does that make sense? It doesn't to me! It only really bothered me when I had to use AOL, because all the good phone numbers were in North Kingstown, but I had to use the shitty Providence ones.

Anyway, it was really good night. I spent about an hour talking online to FiFi, and she is still coming to my party. I started to clean my house, and I'm going to clean the pool today. Dancer is supposed to come over, but I'm not sure if she still will. I'm going to call her tomorrow, along with Carbon and FiFi. I feel bad that FiFi is sitting at home, waiting for someone to call. She can come help in the pool if she wants. I would like someone to watch me if I drown, but I doubt I will.

I'm not sure how I'm doing with my guitar. It sounds like a dead animal when I try to play the power chords, and I still can't play at 168 like Green Day does. It's supposed to be simple stuff, but it just doesn't seem like it to me. I'm starting to understand it though. I think I'm on my way to falling asleep, too, because I'm drifting off into my day dreams (should I be calling them that, even if it's not day?). Anyway, my clean up project is going good, and tomorrow will be great I hope. I think this party is going to be one of the best ever, even if half the people I invited don't show up. Bye!


<< Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2003@12:23 a.m.>>


Photo Bucket Album
unique design


My name is Racecar, and I'm a music composition major at URI. I'm a senior this year and so I'm getting ready to both finish college and head out into the real world. Join me on my adventure, won't you?

