THEY are here!

I am going to make this really quick. I went to see my Grandma yesterday and she is doing okay. We really didn't do much, except watch the disappointing Red Sox game, though I stopped watching that in the sixth inning because it was getting painful to watch. My hands always seem to get cold when I type in here and I don't know why. Grandma made me macaroni and I ate some of it for lunch today. She also gave me money for buying her rice cakes and I learned that pretty much everyone, the minute they step into a Wal Mart (at least around here) because an inconsiderate jerk, even me. I guess that is one of the eight million reasons I don't like going there.

Today, I went to Italian which went on and on and never seemed to end. I hate it, especially when we have to talk to other people in the class, becuase this old lady sits next to me and asks me a question and I have to ask someone else, and the girl who sits near me has a name that is hard to pronounce and I really don't want to say it wrong and make her feel bad. I also don't want to ask her, but she'll think I don't know her name but I do. We have an assignment for class to use adjectives to spell out our first names, but there is no K in the Italian alphabet, so I'm not sure what to do, I think I'm just going to use a C instead.

I have to leave in a few minutes to go and see the therapist at school because of all the problems I have been having lately. I also have to go to Western Civ so I won't be home for a while and I have homework to do when I get home.

I hate it when you like someone and you notice all the things about them that are so great, because they're always things that I don't have. I always like really smart guys, but lately I have been feeling dumb as a post because I can't seem to do anything right. I think I'm going to tell the woman I am supposed to see today that and see what she says.

I also have decided that I really want to start a band, just to play with other people because it seems like I've hit a wall when it comes to playing guitar because I have a hard time playing with others. I'm not sure how to go about it though, so I'm going to talk to my guitar teacher and see if he knows anyone or if I can put up a sign in his shop (not the guitar teacher in Wakefield by the way). Oh, and they're finally doing the construction in front of my house and it's really noisy so I can't take naps during the day anymore. It's driving poor Blake crazy to see people outside that weren't there before and to see the front of the house looking so different. I'm so sick of Welfare Town, I really wish I lived somewhere else, where I could feel like a real musician and not some wannabe.


<< Monday, Sept. 20, 2004@12:29 p.m.>>


Photo Bucket Album
unique design


My name is Racecar, and I'm a music composition major at URI. I'm a senior this year and so I'm getting ready to both finish college and head out into the real world. Join me on my adventure, won't you?

