Gonna write you a letter, gonna write you a book...

I took the title from a song, because it's on the radio right now, and I love it so much! I probably should go out and buy the cd, but I downloaded the song before the album even came out, and I burned it on a cd. Which is somewhere in the computer room, but there's cds all over the computer room! I think only organized people should have cd burners, or that I should've gotten a good one to begin with. That reminds me, I need to ask Hydrogen for the mix cd lists for her party. Last year, I was up late at night for two whole weeks burning numerous copies of mix cds, because they weren't coming out right. I like making mix cds, especially when people like Carbon and Hydrogen listen to them all the time.

I actually found one of the old mix cds just now. I threw about twenty of them away, because some of the songs didn't rip right. I was just really picky, but I always am, I don't have anything else to do with my life!

I talked to Meghan online late last night. I had to get off a tweleve thirty because I'd finished by guitar and was going to go to bed. Yet, I ended up watching tv, reading the same book that I've been reading for the past two weeks. I also shaved my legs at two in the morning, which I know is odd. I just felt I needed to be clean before I went to bed. I ended up waking up at eleven thirty today, even though I went to bed around two.

Carbon called me, and we ended up not going to help at the house. She was really nervous, because her mother had taken her pill by accident, and it didn't go with her mom's medication. Her mom ended up being okay, though. She asked me if I wanted to come over, because they were going to the beach later anyway. So, I walked over, and on the way, I saw Helium's father working on the flower shop that's near my house. I think he was fixing the wood that was exposed when they took the paint off it. I haven't really talked to Helium in a while, and I kind of feel bad about it, we used to be such good friends, I even went with her to church on Sunday, before she changed religions.

Anyway, I watched Carbon play The Sims, and her mom tried to sow my bathing suit straps shorter, but she couldn't because the maching wouldn't work. Carbon had to pull out the stitches for the strap first, and it took her about thirty minutes. It was funny because she kept getting angry and calling the bathing suit bad names. I was laughing while she did it, and she said "Yeah, keep laughing, you're next.". I don't know why, but that made me laugh more.

When her dad came home, she got ready to go to the beach. We went there, and her dad went fishing, while we explored with our shoes off. It was so cool. The rocks were nice and warm, and they were so pretty, with the waves crashing on them because it was high tide. I want to go there with them next week and take some pictures. If I can upload them to Fortune City and post them in any entry, I'll show you what I mean, though it won't be the same, because it was high tide there at the time. The tide changes a ton around here, though it probably does everywhere.

After that, Carbon, her mom and I walked to rocks near the water and waited for the waves to come. At first, the water was at our feet, but one wave came up, and I wasn't paying attention, and all of the sudden, the water was right up to my butt and I was going backwards. Yet, Carbon and her mom held me up. I think the cold water really scared me, my shorts got wet a ton of times, because the waves kept getting bigger and bigger. We had to move because the water was hitting other rocks, and was getting near our stuff. Also, when water hits rocks a ton, they get really slippery. It took a while for Carbon and I to get back up to our stuff, mostly because Carbon was so caught up in watching the waves, which sometimes looked too close for comfort. The water would come up, and one time, even though we were up on higher rocks, I got hit in the butt again. It was because it was high tide, though.

We walked on our way back, and Carbon's dad decided to try to catch some fish in another place, because he hadn't before. It had this steep drop before you got to the rocks where you could fish. Carbon and I stayed on the part before the steep drop, watching her parents try to catch fish. These drunk guys came down to fish, and it was awful. This one guy who smelled like beer stood near us for about a minute, trying to figure out a way to get down. I was almost going to talk like a cow to him and say "Moooooove!", which I know sounds odd, but I wanted to do it that way for emphasis, since he was drunk and all. I couldn't stand the smell of the beer, either.

Other than that, I have been doing little else. I really had fun today, and Carbon is definately one of my best friends. I feel bad, because she might have to sow my bathing suit top by hand, so I'm going to make her some mix cds tomorrow, because she lost some of the ones I made her. She's coming over my house Monday, and we're going to go swimming in my pool, I just need to try and clean it up a bit tomorrow. I want to show her my Sims, too, because I recreated her Dirtbag family, and I wondered if she would approve of it. I'm going to go and practice guitar now, because I really have to. Bye!


<< Saturday, Jul. 12, 2003@9:47 p.m.>>


Photo Bucket Album
unique design


My name is Racecar, and I'm a music composition major at URI. I'm a senior this year and so I'm getting ready to both finish college and head out into the real world. Join me on my adventure, won't you?

