Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Not much has really happened in the past two days. I took my Piano written exam today and it was okay. I'm pretty sure I did good, but I did not give all the exact definitions and so I probably will not get full credit for those answers. She's such a Nazi when it comes to definitions for musical terms, they always have to be exactly from the book, which is stupid because I don't think like the book. I've read definitions in some music dicitonaries and they are sometimes too long and complicated, especially they ones in the Harvard Music Dictionary. Still, I think I will do better on tomorrow's part, which I hope to be done with quickly.

I also took my Jazz History exam, which I did much better on than I thought I would. I'm pretty sure that I did very good in that class and it was not nearly as hard as I thought it would be. I'm glad I didn't waste my time reading the last two chapters of the book, since there were only two or three questions on the last two chapters. Overall, I think I did good and I am glad that one of the finals is over.

I am worried about Theory tomorrow because it seems like it will take a long time to take the test. I also don't really understand so many of the things that are on the exam, and I'm worried that I won't be able to do good on the stuff from the last few weeks. I think I won't do too bad, but I'm not sure. I'm also pissed because I found out that I have to take my English exam on Friday, even though I got an A on my paper and I did good on all the other stuff throughout the year. Not only that, but my paper was in fucking pieces and it made me mad that all his corrections on the first draft were all the things I fixed and it still wasn't good enough. I thought I deserved not to have to take the exam and I was really counting on it, because it is three hours long and then I have to be at work at five, which means I will only have an hour to get ready between getting home and going to work. I'm also irritated at having to work so many hours, I don't see why more people haven't been hired when it's been a month since the three people have been gone. I can't pick up the slack for another month or even more than that, and the fact that my own manager didn't tell me this stuff really pisses me off.

I'm really frustrated and I feel like I really need some sleep, so next week I will try to spend some days catching up on it. I also have to get my hair cut next week because it is getting too long and frizzy, something which I don't know how to get rid of. Does anyone out there have frizzy hair and know how to get rid of it? Are there any things out there that really work to help hair not frizz? I've tried hair serums and stuff but it doesn't work. I'm going to go look up some stuff online in a few minutes, but if anyone knows anything that might work, that would be cool, too.

I think I'll write more tomorrow, since I should get out of my exams around noon or maybe a little after that. Either way, I will have plenty of time to write something tomorrow. I'm sorry I haven't put up the pictures of myself, but the Kodak Easyshare won't let me change the size of the photo or view it. I'll probably just download some picture program and edit it with that, because the picture is too big to upload to Diaryland. If anyone knows any good photo editing programs that have free trials or are free, let me know. There's one on my Mac and I bet it is easy to use, but I don't know if I can upload the pictures from the camera to the Mac, because I don't know if the program that comes with the camera (which is a shitty program, but the one I need to get the photos on my computer) is compatable. I know that I am never going to get another Kodak camera again. That camera is the hardest camera that I have ever used in my entire life, even the manual ones are a million times easier.

I'm going to get ready for bed now. I'll write more tomorrow. I'll work on getting the picture up sometime next week, since I won't be able to do much this week because of finals. Bye.

<< Monday, May. 02, 2005@9:02 p.m.>>


Photo Bucket Album
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My name is Racecar, and I'm a music composition major at URI. I'm a senior this year and so I'm getting ready to both finish college and head out into the real world. Join me on my adventure, won't you?

