Justin Beiber is 18 now! Off to Canada I go!

Sorry I haven't written since Wednesday, it's been kind of crazy these past few days, and I'm super tired from most of it. Here are my thankfulness things, I'm not sure if I'll write more now, probably later.
-I am thankful I got to go to the Museum of Science with my Dad. I got to see a lot of cool stuff, but the Pixar exhibit was the best, and it's going to be really cool when it's done. If you can't get to Boston to see it, don't worry, it will open and be traveling around the country in 2014 (I think, they said that is when the exhibit will be done, but I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't tour nationwide until 2015, because then Toy Story will be celebrating it's 20th anniversary and yes, I felt old typing that).
-That I got to have a good ice cream sundae at Friendly's.
-That we managed to get home okay, I was worried a bit because it was busy out and my Dad isn't too experienced with driving my car.
-That my Dad put gas in my car, and it was cheaper than at home.
-That I was able to catch some sleep in the morning, and during the rest of the day, too.
-That I got to see the Dark Knight Rises at midnight. I went by myself, but the theatre was full with people talking, so I didn't feel alone too much. Yes, I did hear about the shooting, by the way, and it's sad and crazy when you think about it. I really feel bad for all of those innocent people. But, it's stupid to blame violence in the media (though I think seeing it at a very young age is bad), since there are obviously crazy people out there who are going to do crazy things no matter what. Also, movie theaters are still safe, I doubt anything like that happening is going to be very common, ever. It's just as likely to happen as getting struck by lightning, being in a plane crash, or winning the lottery.
-That I was able to make it through work even though I was really tired (I got home from the movie at 3 am and went to bed around 3:30, waking up at 7 am).
-That I was able to work out (I didn't on Thursday, awful!).
-That I could go out with friends on Friday night and have fun (though I did get a bit drunk and because I was super tired, it effected me more).
-That I was able to get through today okay, I'm still pretty tired.
-That I got to talk to my Dad when I got home from work.
-That it was a nice day out.
-That I wasn't dead tired all day.
-That I worked on math some more and made some progress.

Anyway, I still have some guitar stuff to do before bed. I'm working in the morning tomorrow, but late so I don't have to get up too early, but I still want to catch a bit of extra sleep. Also, today is the tenth anniversary of my first concert. The entry is in here. I have to admit, I was thinking about it a lot today for some reason. I really miss those times and have to wonder if I would be happy knowing I became what I am now, but I doubt it.

It's weird, because I was with Mrs. Black that night, and now she doesn't want to speak to me again for the rest of her life. I didn't do anything that bad, by the way, I just have emotional problems that she can't deal with. It pissed me off that she said "have a nice life" because I don't think it's right to write off someone for life just because of their problems. Not to mention she went through some crap ten years ago that I had to deal with, so I felt it was only fair to ask her to do the same. I guess she doesn't remember that, though. Yes, I'm still bothered by it because it only happened a month ago, and she bothered me on Twitter about it (even though she told me not to talk to her anymore). It's probably best to not talk to people from my high school days, mostly because I am just not that person anymore. I sometimes wonder if that is a good thing or a bad thing. I honestly don't know. Anyway, have a good night, everyone!-*Rukia*

<< Saturday, Jul. 21, 2012@11:25 p.m.>>


Photo Bucket Album
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My name is Racecar, and I'm a music composition major at URI. I'm a senior this year and so I'm getting ready to both finish college and head out into the real world. Join me on my adventure, won't you?

