Netflixing the Future

I haven't been feeling that great today. Sousuke and Ghost (a co-worker of mine) were talking about all the times they're going to hang out, and who they were going to hang out with. It kind of made me feel left out because my co workers don't really want to hang out with me. It was like that before Sousuke and I became friends, and it's been the same after, too. When we were friends, Sousuke would usually get me to tag along, but I still didn't get formally invited anywhere. Not that I really care, but it just kind of sucks.

And for some reason, I got into watching Hey Arnold! again, and it reminded me of how I used to love the idea of Arnold and Helga. It made me think of how I've felt about guys I've liked. I wish I had at least liked one guy and had it work out. I miss feeling that way about someone, too. I guess it reminded me how I thought love worked, and how it probably doesn't work that way. I thought that at some point I would like a guy and he would like me and all the rest. It doesn't help that I haven't liked anyone since Fakir. I'm hoping I meet someone interesting in school, but I still have my doubts about anything coming out of it.

I've gotten irritated with online dating. It seems like most of the guys on there have some kind of issue that they feel the need to make super obvious. I know we all have issues, but I would rather get to know a person first before having their issues flung at me. It doesn't help that most of these guys are pretty thoughtless, too. I can't believe that they don't realize that you should actually write to a girl about something on her profile, or that your picture should be of you and not you with a huge group. I really don't understand the male mind, at all.

Anyway, I can't really write much, because I am super tired. I got Netflix on free trial today. I'm not sure if I'll like it, I only got the streaming because I don't really like DVDs, anyway, I prefer Blu Ray. But Netflix's prices have gone up a lot when it comes to streaming and discs, so I didn't feel like bothering. I don't get why the quality of the streaming is so bad though. I mean, it's basically the same as Hulu, but most of Hulu is free. And the paid Hulu stuff is in high def, so it really doesn't make sense to me. This is only a temporary thing, since come late August I will be very busy and then the TV season will start by the time I'm settled in at school. Not to mention I will be working full time as well.

So, without further ado, today is my thankfulness for the day:
-I am thankful I have tomorrow off, so I can recover from the weekend.
-I am thankful that it was nice out so that I could walk my dogs.
-I am thankful that it's going to be nice out tomorrow, too.
-I am thankful that I was able to get through work without a lot of trouble.
-I am thankful that I was able to talk to some of my coworkers, even if it was only really in the confines of my work space.
-I am thankful that an old friend got in touch with me today. Even though I didn't feel like hanging out, I will probably try to hang out with him during my days off or vacation time.
-I am thankful that, if I wanted, to, I could do something fun on one of my days off or vacation, because I probably will. I am thinking of taking a road trip to somewhere interesting, I'm hoping I can get someone to go with me. I'm also thinking about getting a train or bus ticket to go to NYC, I haven't been there in ages.
-I am thankful that I got Netflix to work on my TV, I forgot you had to sign into PSN first to use it on the PS3, and I forgot my PSN log in. I know it's called the SNE now, but like most things Sony has come up with over the past 10 years, it's stupid.
-I am thankful that I haven't gotten really upset in a while. Tomorrow will be a week since I last got upset on Facebook, and last Thursday (not this past one, the one before that) was the one when I got REALLY upset. I'm hoping to go at least a month without getting upset on there, if not more. Also, no one has noticed that I am not posting this there anymore, which is kind of strange, but I don't really care.

Anyway, this weekend was pretty okay. I really liked Thursday and Friday, while Saturday and Sunday I was tired out of my mind so I didn't do much. I plan on trying to do more soon though. Good night!-*Rukia*

<< Sunday, Jul. 22, 2012@11:36 p.m.>>


Photo Bucket Album
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My name is Racecar, and I'm a music composition major at URI. I'm a senior this year and so I'm getting ready to both finish college and head out into the real world. Join me on my adventure, won't you?

