The Butter Has to Die!

I didn't feel like writing an entry today. This is from Guy 4's Altoids Tin, about my Junior Prom, written on 3-29-03:

The Junior Prom was last night. I don't know why, but I didn't really like it. I got to Carbon's house at five, and her date, Fruit, waited with me while Carbon and Boron finished getting ready. They both looked really great, and I think I did, too. Fruit looked like every other guy at the prom, really. It makes me wish I was a guy, so I could just buy a cheap tux (it seems like they're on sale all the time, doesn't it?) and not have to go through all that, looking for a dress shit. Yet, I think this time I got a pretty good dress, it was at least comfortable.

The limo picked us up at five thirty, and we were at the place at about six. It was early, so we found our table and just sat there, until people started arriving, and they brought out salads. Boron and I ate a bunch of the crutons,stealing them from the other salads on the table and I had a bit of her salad, and mine. Fruit ate about three salads. People starting coming, including Chad, this guy I used to like, who sat at our table, and Hydrogen, who came with her newest stoner, who Boron thought was hot, and who Dancer hates.

I didn't really care or notice most guys. The only ones I had my eyes on were: Fruit,because he just kept acting like he was on some type of drug, Chad, because I was hoping to dance with him (secretly), this cute guy that no one knows I like, and the man of the hour, Chip-Chop, who is a senior, and it was his birthday yesterday. Sadly, I don't want to write him a birthday entry, if anyone else wants to, go ahead! I kind of wanted to dance with all of them, because at least I liked them at one time or another (well, I didn't want to dance with Fruit, for fear I would smell like him, and I never really liked him, he's rather...annoying).

Anyway, after dinner, we got our pictures taken. Carbon was pissed, because FiFi was in our picture. I felt bad for FiFi, and I wanted to talk to her, but I knew Carbon would kill me if I did. I just don't know what to do, I like both sides, and I don't want to risk losing the friendship of either of them. Boron doesn't seem too mad at her, but I know that Carbon really is.I'm worried I'll end up losing everyone. The picture was funny, though. The photo guy asked me who my date was, which kind of got on my nerves. I wanted to have a date, but I don't think I ever will, guys just piss me off, they always act like I'm never good enough for them, and they just make me feel bad about myself, so it's not worth it.

Anyway, since Boron wasn't feeling well, we talked most of the night. It was nice, we were talking about how it would be funny if all the popular people became whores and druggies, and we became millionaires.Then, she was prediciting that Carbon would marry Fruit, which I have to admit, would scare me. If she does marry him,I would probably be laughing at the wedding,if I was there.

Towards the end of the night I started to get depressed. I didn't get to dance with anyone, and the whole idea of the Junior Prom just seemed so phony to me.It just seemed like a celebration of everything peopular and loved by the masses. I'm not into any of that, and I'm not a part of it, either. I guess that's what was making me sad, knowing that the best years of my life were marked by being fat and not fitting in, at least not the way I wanted to.

We left at around eleven, and we got in the limo to eat at Bickford's which was right near there. Fruit took one of those Junior Prom poems that was in a holder on the table, while the rest of us took booklets and mugs. In the limo, Carbon finished off her pictures, though she let Fruit take the last ones. Boron was quiet, she was pretty quiet in the limo. It was funny, though, because all Fruit took pictures of were the stuffed animals at Bickford's and the door.

We all ordered chocolate chip pancakes, except for Boron, who had eggs and toast.Eating was funny, because we were all half awake. Fruit wanted to launch some food at this poor family who was eating there, but I felt bad for them, to be reduced to eating at Bickford's at eleven on a Saturday night and looking like you'd been wearing the same clothes for a while is sad, at least to me. He had a lighter with him, and he kept flicking it on and off under the table. I was so worried he was going to try to light my dress on fire.

When we got our food, we got an extra straw, and he blew the paper at me. When he was done eating, he played a game with Carbon where he tried to get the sugar packets past her, and one fell on the floor. Then, he tried to launch the sugar packets into his soda, and when he finally succeded, he put the sugar packets back with the rest of them. We were all half awake, so this was hiliarious to us, more so than it is now, or to you. Then, he tried to launch the butter at Carbon, and Carbon slammed down the butter, saying "The butter has to die!". We were all laughing so hard that our stomachs hurt, and I was near in tears.

When we got back into the limo, Boron and Fruit fell fast asleep, while Carbon and I talked, as I tried to keep her awake. It was kind of boring, but I did tell her about how much Fruit looked like a vampire, which he did. I wanted to throw the flowers he gave her on him, and pretend he was dead, too, but she didn't like that idea. He did look dead, too, his neck was bent sideways, like it was broken, and his hands were on his chest, on top of each other, like they had been put that way.

I have to go now, because I really need to practice my guitar, I haven't played since Thursday's practice, because I had to get all the strings replaced. I also have to go to some dumb birthday party. I really don't want to. It's for my Dad's side of the family, and they're all boring Bible toting types. I don't get along with them, either, but that really doesn't matter, does it? Not to my Dad. I hate my family, I'd rather be with my friends, because they don't insult me and they accept me for who I am. That's it for now. Bye!


<< Sunday, Mar. 30, 2003@8:47 p.m.>>


Photo Bucket Album
unique design


My name is Racecar, and I'm a music composition major at URI. I'm a senior this year and so I'm getting ready to both finish college and head out into the real world. Join me on my adventure, won't you?

