Hey,hey,hey! It's Fat Racecar! (Not really).

Hello everyone! I know it's been a while since I've been around, but I went shopping yesterday, I had two appointments today, and my internet is having an awful bout of PMS, which the cable company refuses to acknowledge. I must say, that if I've learned anything lately, it is this, which I will pass on to you, in hopes that you will pass it on to your children: All companies are on mushrooms.

It just bothers me that these companies get all high and mighty, and think they can do anything they want. They don't care about the consumer, they care about how cheap it will be to make/do what they need to do, and the easiest way to make money. I don't think there is a a CEO out there losing sleep over what the consumers think, or how well the product itself works. That's why, when I decide what I want to do with my life, I want to be as passionate about it as possible, so I don't do a shitty job and become greedy.

Not much has really happened in my world lately. Snow has struck Welfare Town for the second time, so a snow plow goes by every few minutes. I don't know if I'll have school tomorrow or not. I really hope not, because my English teacher gave us a shitload of homework, and I didn't really care to do all of it, because it's all these vocabulary words that most of us learned about a century ago. I mean, what sixteen year old doesn't know what the word "cliche" means? Most people say that damn word so much it's become a cliche itself.

If we do have a snow day, Carbon and I are going to do something, hopefully at my house, since she hasn't been here for a while, and I want to help her with her diary, which is easier to do at my house. If the cable company decides to stop tripping on acid, that is!

Today was quite a hectic school day. I had a speech first period, on "Slow but steady", and it was funny, because it was an improptu speech. The teacher said that it was ironic, because I was basically saying that impromptu speeches suck. The girl who was supposed to go before me had an emotional breakdown, which is weird, because that happened last time, too. Yet, it seems to work good, I mean, I usually do pretty good on my speeches then.

I had a test second period, which I surely failed. This kid came up to me during class, since he's in my Italian class, and he told me to try to tell the teacher we couldn't take the quiz in Italian because we had a test in History, and a Math test yesterday. He makes me laugh, because he's always trying to scheme his way out of doing things. No wonder he's class president... If anyone has an odd name that I might be able to give him, in case I mention him again, let me know. I think it will be Yang, since his dad is a teacher at the school (whom my dad knows), and his name is Ming (not really, the students call him Ming, saying he looks Chinese).

Speaking of Chinese, I saw Mr. Chinese at the thirty long minute fire drill today, during Italian class (though we had already taken a quiz, which Yang probably failed). It wasn't that hard though. I didn't see any of my friends, even though they were right near me. As I've been saying, I've felt very alienated from them lately. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a snow day, so that I can at least call Hydrogen and talk. I miss her, and she can't go online anymore. I feel like we're drifting apart, and it scares me. I'm sure everyone who reads this (if anyone still does) knows how phobic I am about losing friends. I just can't help it, I love my friends like sisters, and losing them would be like losing a sister, only to me, it would be worse. I just get very attached to people and things, and that's why I'm so sensitive.

Not much else went on, really. They let us out early, and cancelled the play for tonight, which stinks, because I wanted to see Chip-Chop in it, and I don't think I can, because, I can't go tomorrow night, and if there's no school, there won't be a play. Even if there was school, I have to go stay with my grandma until Sunday, because I'm getting a makeover. They want to turn me into my cousin, but since all previous attempts have failed, I think I'll be okay. You can take the girl out of the Racecar, but you can never take the Racecar out of the girl. See! That's a cliche! I must go, the high cable company says so.

Your insane friend in the sky,


<< Thursday, Dec. 05, 2002@6:52 p.m.>>


Photo Bucket Album
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My name is Racecar, and I'm a music composition major at URI. I'm a senior this year and so I'm getting ready to both finish college and head out into the real world. Join me on my adventure, won't you?

