The Melancholy of Racecar Horlas

I'm bored at school, and I don't have class for almost another hour, so I'm writing here. I have to admit, some stupid stuff has been bothering me and I'm sorry about that. I honestly am starting to think that the weather around here is turning us all stupid or something. I couldn't even drive right the other day when I was out with Reneesme. Man, I can't spell that name right, chalk it up to me having absolutely no interest in Twilight. I mean, I couldn't even park the car properly. I've been driving Nigel for over five years now, I ought to know how to park.

We went to the Emerald Square Mall on Monday, I think I got there because I like the name. My family used to go when I was little, and I hadn't really been there much since my Mom died. I went once with my Dad last year when he got his car, but that was only because of a gift card I had to Express, so we only went in there. Reneesme and I went through most of the mall, which has really changed since I last went, though it's not that bad. My Grandma (I can't type today, either) acts like it's going to close tomorrow, but she says that about Providence Place Mall as well.

We went to Macy's and I got a few shirts, but it's prom season, so the changing rooms were full of noisy girls. I was eager to get out of there, I hate clothes shopping. I wanted to get a purse but they have real leather ones, so they were about $300, which I obviously don't want. I just want one made of fabric that is about $40 and a decent size for putting my lunch in for work (I don't trust the fridge and I would forget it if it was in a separate bag). I then looked in a pet store, mostly to see if they had any cats, but all they had were dogs. I like dogs, but Blake and Ginger are enough for me. Ginny is going to be 11 this year, and she still looks as adorable as she did when we got her, which I can't really believe. I just wondered if I made the right choice in getting Saya, but I would say that I did. She's getting to be more affectionate and sociable, she even lets me hug her every now and then. I still miss Fry sometimes, and I have to wonder if they would've gotten along, though she seems to be almost the opposite of him.

I would put up a picture of Saya on here, but my Dad still hasn't gotten my computer back (it's been two weeks, today). I'm on the Macs at school, and I have to say, I miss having a Mac. I really don't like PCs with all their pop ups and stuff. There is a guy who looks like Bret Michaels here and it's bothering me. I mean he looks like him in that he has that "I've been out in the sun for ten years" face and an ugly hat. His hair isn't nearly as long, but man, is he ugly. I can totally picture that he goes out with skanky girls and listens to hair metal, don't ask why. I really should stop staring at him, I must look insane, but it's just because he looks so funny. I know, I'm bad.

I don't know why, but going to the Emerald Mall got me all depressed about my Mom. The day before we went would've been her 59th birthday. I was just kind of sad, being in a place with my best friend, a place where I had driven to for the first time (I know, that's odd, isn't it?), a place that I had always associated with being with my Mom and Dad. I had never gone there with my friends, not even in high school, since Providence Place is closer, even though it is more expensive because of parking, it has more stores. I guess it just made me realize how much I miss having a real family, something I haven't had since my Mom died, but then I wonder if I ever really had it at all. It didn't help that my Dad and I were fighting, since he didn't go to work on Saturday, or the Sunday before, and he had two days off, so he was basically home four days last week, which drove me crazy. I hate it when we fight, because he was always close when Mom was alive. If I was ever fighting with my Mom or Grandma, if the kids at school or my teachers made me feel like shit, he always believed in me and made me feel like I could do it. Even with this whole music thing, when others have told me to give up, he's always told me to do what I want, even though there is a very good chance I will end up working in retail forever. Whenever I need something for school, even if it's expensive like a computer program or a recording device, he still goes out and buys it for me with his credit card, even though he can never afford it, even though his bills are high enough to reach the ceiling and then some. I feel like such a horrible daughter because I don't go out and buy him nice things, and I do very little around the house, focusing so much on school, sleeping, reading or working out. I say thank you, but I think I really should do more than that. I mean, I think I'm a better daughter than my cousin is (she never even calls my uncle, not even on New Year's). Still, she wasn't close to him, she was close to my aunt. Do I seem like a horrible daughter to any of you guys? I could just be worrying too much.

We didn't really do much else after that. I went to Best Buy and bought some anime, and we watched Lucky Star together, which we both liked. I have to say, I probably am a lot like Konata, though Renesmee thinks she is like that, too. If you're wondering, she's the main character and she slacks off at school to play computer games and watch anime. I went home early on Tuesday because I couldn't sleep and when I went home, I spent most of Tuesday sleeping, though I did go out with my Dad for a bit, and we got along better. Wednesday I went to work and worked out, the usual stuff.

Today has been weird. I didn't have a school bill because of financial aid, I even got some money back, which I was going to use for books. I went to go get books, but didn't see any for my classes, so I'm thinking I might not have any. I'll probably have to go to Wakefield Music for some guitar stuff for Guitar Ensemble, but other than that, I doubt I'll have to buy much, which is awesome. I went to CVS and got some cortisone cream for my hands because the gloves at work irritate them. Then I went to Dunkin' Donuts and got a donut (which I only ate half of) and a hot chocolate. I don't feel like eating here when I have such good food at home. By good, I mean chili, those SteamFresh rice and vegetable things I'm addicted to, and cornbread. Not to mention chicken wings from TGI Friday's, though I shouldn't eat too many of those. I'm not even that hungry, since I got up around ten, but I couldn't sleep last night. I am a bit nervous about seeing Bunny and I'm not sure why. I talked to my Grandma for a while to kill some time (I had a class at 12:30, which got out around one, and my next one is at 3:30).

Not much else is going on. I can't really wait to go home, eat, work out and actually watch the Office and 30 Rock as they air, and maybe catch up on some of the anime I bought. If I do get my computer back, I'll put some pictures of Saya up and maybe some of Ginger and Blake, and even Fry, since some of you don't know how pretty he was. I'll write when I can.-*Rukia* or *Racecar*, take your pick.

<< Thursday, Jan. 22, 2009@2:39 p.m.>>


Photo Bucket Album
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My name is Racecar, and I'm a music composition major at URI. I'm a senior this year and so I'm getting ready to both finish college and head out into the real world. Join me on my adventure, won't you?

