Am I the only one who gets stove burns?

I wish I knew what was wrong with me and some way that would fix all of it. My mouth feels like I stuck it on the stove while one of the burners was on, and I don't know why. I have been having strange and some unexplained, health problems since the beginning of school. Not only that, but I couldn't sleep last night because for some reason, I was worried about the Red Sox because they lost last night. I have no idea why I would be unable to sleep at night because of the outcome of a baseball game, which makes me think I'm going crazy. I also have been dreaming about music theory in my sleep, which is really scary. I'm going to a doctor on the twenty sixth and I am praying that he will give me some medication that will help me sleep, make it so I'm not so stressed (I swear, I feel like I'm going to die of it soon, if I keep it up) and make it so I'm not so depressed. Sometimes I feel like I'm being crushed by a thousand pounds of weights or something and I just can't take it anymore.

I went and got some applications at the mall yesterday and I'm returning them today after my last class. I don't think any of the places will think for a second about hiring me, because of my lack of experience. I wish I was good with people so that if I ever got asked to do an interview, I could talk through it and be offered a job at the end. I also took some pictures of the trees outside my window and I'll probably put them on here over the weekend.

Right now, I have to eat lunch, call the health insurance people to get authorization for my appointment on the twenty sixth and I'm trying to convince my Dad to let me buy a cd at I can't find it anywhere, and I've checked every cd store around here. It's not that expensive online either, only 11.95, and with shipping it's still probably only 13 or 14 dollars, which is cheaper than it would be at the cd stores around here by a few dollars, because Best Buy doesn't carry the cd at all and only Newbury usually has it. It sucks that the prices on their online store are always cheaper than the store itself. In case anyone wonders what it is, it's Jawbreaker's live cd I actually thought it was out of print until I saw it online in a few stores. I'm really gald it's not. I just typed that last sentence while looking at the tv, I think it's cool that I can do that.

I'd better go talk to my Dad now and try to get some homework done. I'll write more on Friday, because I have to go to my guitar lesson tomorrow instead. I hate my guitar teacher (the one in Wakefield), he always talks down to me. He honestly makes me feel like I'm not as good as the other guys, and he never gets mad at the kid who's lesson is before mine, even though he is ALWAYS late, which means my lesson gets pushed back. I feel like talking to him about it, and maybe switching lesson times with this kid, because it really ticks me off and it's been happening for five weeks now. Mostly because I usually worry about being late, and I end up on time, though since the kid before me was late, I'm really fifteen minutes early.

I have a song caught in my head and it's irritating me so I'm listening to it right now. Does it ever irritate you when you have a song caught in your head? It's not even my favorite song on the cd, yet it's in my head. I think I might even put it in squareone, because I like the lyrics. The people in that MSNBC commercial look like zombies to me, I wonder if that's what I look like when I watch MSNBC. I'm sorry, that was just me looking at the tv, my mind is all over the place right now. I'll write more later and update squareone sometime this week.

<< Wednesday, Oct. 13, 2004@12:14 p.m.>>


Photo Bucket Album
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My name is Racecar, and I'm a music composition major at URI. I'm a senior this year and so I'm getting ready to both finish college and head out into the real world. Join me on my adventure, won't you?

