Family Secret Turns Out To Be Boring

I've been feeling a little bit better since Saturday. I went to my Grandma's yesterday and it was kind of boring. We had a turkey dinner with pretty much everything you would have at Thanksgiving. I ate before my Aunt, Uncle and Cousin on my mother's side came over. I was glad I did because they are very boring. My Uncle was wearing his 49rs jacket, which is stupid because everyone around here likes the Patriots and a ton of people think that they will be in the Super Bowl this year and that they'll win. I hope they do because I'm so sick of hearing people on tv underestimate them all the time. They weren't supposed to win by 17 points yesterday, it was supposed to be much closer, something like two or three points. They're the only New England team that has any chance of getting respect in their sport, in my opinion and I think if they win the Super Bowl again they'll finally prove that they are one of the best teams in the NFL. I don't think the Red Sox will ever do anything like that in baseball, because it's so money oriented it seems impossible to get a good team unless you're as rich as the Yankees. I mean, they can do it, they just can't seem to do it as often as anyone would like. Since there's no NHL and nobody really watches it (I don't even know any hockey fans), I don't think anyone would care how the Bruins do, but they're the worst, they can't even get into the play offs, at least the Red Sox get in most of the time.

Why does VH1 have to tempt me? I Love the 90s part duex is on tonight and I already missed the first episode because 24 was on. I remember the first one over the summer and I missed the whole thing. I'm going to try and watch it tomorrow becuase I know they'll probably show the other two that they're showing tonight again soon and I'm going to try and watch the other two tomorrow night and the ones on every night.

I talked to Carbon today, mostly just about random stuff. I can't believe she's not going to be at school. Now it's only going to be Mr. Lambchops that I'll look for and he's mostly involved with his gaming buddies, so he doesn't talk to me, which I can understand and it doesn't tick me off or anything. I kind of hope he tries out for Jazz Ensemble tomorrow (it's the first day of classes and that's one of my two classes tomorrow). I think he would get in if he did, but since he's not a Jazz major I doubt he will be there. Who will be there will be the horny trumpet player who hits on every girl within a five mile radius (including me) and the cute guy who is really sweet but makes me feel like his little sister when I'm around him. It kind of sucks that there's really no one in there that I can talk to or anything. I don't get why there aren't any other girls in Jazz, not even on saxophone or something. I can kind of understand the guitar, although that pisses me off. To me it's not a male or female instrument and a girl doesn't just have to play an acoustic, she can play an electric, too. I like my electric more, probably because it's my most expensive guitar (the Strat, not the Melody Maker, that thing only has one pickup, so it's not too good when playing in a group when you know you're going to have to improvise).

I have Sight Singing as well and I have to try and get my Music Theory book. I'm going to try and look for a job, too. Sorry for the crappy entry. I have to go to bed soon, because my guitar teacher ran twenty minutes late with the lesson before me, so I came home late and everything got pushed back. I wanted to write more but I have to get to bed. By the way, whenever I say theory, I mean Music Theory and I'm just too lazy to type it out and actually capitalize it.

I'm going to go to bed now and I'll write more tomorrow. I'm really nervous about school tomorrow and I'm not sure why. Tomorrow is one of those days when I have to come home, eat lunch, play clarinet and come back. Today I forgot my clarinet book for my lesson and I ended up playing Christmas songs, which honestly made me think it was Christmas. I kind of miss Christmas in a stupid way. I'll write more tomorrow. Bye.

<< Monday, Jan. 17, 2005@10:17 p.m.>>


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My name is Racecar, and I'm a music composition major at URI. I'm a senior this year and so I'm getting ready to both finish college and head out into the real world. Join me on my adventure, won't you?

