I don't hate you enough to commit you to me

Today's been kind of weird. I was dreading it, because I thought we were doing our Italian presentations, and that I would get a bad grade because mine wasn't grammatically correct, but it wasn't that bad, and the teacher fixed all of it anyway. I think she kind of likes me now, because I've been doing so good in her class this quarter, which just shows how much time I have on my hands.

I had gym with Carbon, and we played volleyball, which was okay. She asked me if I wanted to go dress shopping with her this afternoon, though I was just going to help her pick out one. I told her I was staying for Science Club, so I would call her right when I got home.

I was late to Science Club, but not really late. Most people who go don't even show up anymore, which I find kind of weird. We were talking about the suspects for who stole some white powder from the Chemistry Lab where they keep all the chemicals. There were all kinds of teachers on the suspect list, like Mr. Chinese (who's a math teacher) and the bitch who teaches Driver's Ed. I have to admit, I often wanted to pretend the white powder was cocaine, so I could imagine they were drug addicts. It didn't really happen, by the way it's just an excercise that teaches you about forensics, which is a class I might want to take next year, but I'm not too sure.

Anyway, it ended at three, so Dancer, who gave me a ride home, told me that she had to go to the drugstore to check on when she was working. She did that, then we asked the photo shop people if there were really such things as 3-D photos and if they developed them there. They said they didn't know of any. Then we went to look at the make up for a few minutes, and decided to leave, since neither of us could buy any nice makeup.

We got in her car, and she was waiting to get into the lane to take a left turn, sort of pulled out of the drugstore driveway. There was this white car coming, and I thought that Dancer would wait until it passed to try and go into the lane, or that maybe the car would go fast enough to go by us, or even stop. Then, all of the sudden, the side of the white car got to the front of Dancer's car, and it made this loud noise. I saw Dancer's front liscence plate go flying off her car and into the road. I was a bit shocked at first, I didn't think anything major had happened, I felt this jerk when it happened, which of course, was the seatbelt doing it's job.

They both pulled into the drugstore parking lot, and Dancer got her insurance info. out, and some guy handed her the grill of her car. Her liscence plate was still out in the middle of the road, so I went out to get it, but that was a bit after.

When we got out of the car, there was this teenage girl talking on her cell phone (which looked newer than mine, her car looked newer than Dancer's too). She called her mom, and then the cops, and we had to wait for both of them. I stood out there, watching them exchange numbers and stuff and it was weird. I swore that this girl was one of the many thin, kind of snooty girls who had been in my Honors History class last year. I wasn't sure, but I think she might have been the one who helped me sing my Civil War song. She seemed really pissed at first, but she calmed down, especially after her mother came.

I just hung around Dancer, because I've never been in an accident before, so I don't know what it's like. The cop came, and asked me where I lived and my phone number and everything, and I gave it to him. Anyway, Dancer dropped me off about an hour ago. I think that the girl she hit had gotten her liscence only a while ago though, because she had one of those red and white ones that you can't drive late a night with. I kind of had to wonder where she was going, but I think she was going home.

It was about four thirty when I got home, though Dancer did drop me off, since only the front of her car had any damage, and I don't think it was anything really bad. She apologized a bunch of times, but I'm not mad at her or anything, in fact, I really learned how to handle a situation like that from her. She was so calm about it. If it had been me, I would have been hysterical about the whole thing, and I'm glad that she handled it so well, I really hope that when something like that happens to me, I remember today.

It makes me realize that maybe I'm better off not driving right now. It looks so easy, but it seems like it can be really dangerous if you don't pay attention, or if the weather's bad, or if there are bad drivers on the road (and there always are). I know that something like that will happen to me someday, and I really hope that when I do, I keep my cool. It's kind of sad though, because I'll proabably be in the car by myself, since most of my friends will be able to drive by then, so they won't need rides with me, and my Dad will probably be working and most of my family isn't around here, and when they are, they're busy with other things. I shouldn't bitch, though. I'm sorry I do so often. That's it for now. Bye!

Your insane friend in the sky (who really hurt her left hand in volleyball),


<< Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2003@4:56 p.m.>>


Photo Bucket Album
unique design


My name is Racecar, and I'm a music composition major at URI. I'm a senior this year and so I'm getting ready to both finish college and head out into the real world. Join me on my adventure, won't you?

