On the loftiest cloud (what a dork!)

Where is everyone? It seems like no one updates anymore, except for me and the suckass poems diary on my buddy list. I don't get it, if I can update, everyone else should be able to, too. I'm not a gold memeber, and my internet is shitty most of the time, so why would I be getting Diaryland when most people aren't? Or maybe everyone out there is just lazy.

I can't really update about much. I have a ton of work to do, since I have an Italian project to do, and I had to change the movie I'm using, so I have to finish watching the movie, and then I have to write a paragraph on it in english and translate it into Italian. I also have to work out, and practice guitar. I have a really large amount of the movie left, too, about an hour and fourty minutes, so I'll update squareone real quick.

Today wasn't very interesting, but it was pretty good. I got a good grade on my Chemistry test, so I don't really have to do the extra credit part he gave us, but I'm doing it anyway, to give me something to do in study. I was supposed to have a quiz in math today, but we moved on a to a new subject, which I hope we do have a quiz on, because my quiz average is so low that I'm sure if it got any lower, it would match my height.

I had to present this thing I did for English on Gatsby's funeral in The Great Gatsby and how he had no real friends at the end, but I honestly thought that Nick was a friend, so I said that, and I used three quotes from the text, but I didn't get to elaborate much, because my group went last. The guy in my group wouldn't shut up, and a girl had to yell at him to let me talk, the girl wasn't even in our group, though I feel bad that I didn't thank her. I think I still did a pretty good job, the only person who seemed to be paying any attention to a word I said was the teacher, but I think it was like that for every presentation.

Chemistry was last period, and it was cut short by five minutes so that we could go to homeroom and get parent teacher confrence slips, to be filled out tomorrow and wednesday, but the letter is all messed up. It says that the slips should be filled out on the 13th and 14th and be brought home on the 10th, filled out. If this makes sense to you, please trade places with me. You belong at Welfare High more than I do.

When we got to homeroom, there was no teacher there, so one of the teachers asked his students to go into our homeroom and he would try to pass out all the slips. One of the kids, this really cute guy I have a crush on (he needs no name for now) came in, though he was the only one. He sat at the table near mine, for a while then he moved to a different seat at the same table. This was after one of the guys from my homeroom came in, and wanted to sit in his seat, where my crush was sitting. Anyway, the kid came in with a guitar, and the guy I liked started playing it left handed.

It was so nice to seem him outside of the hallways, in a quiet enviroment. When the bell rang though, he just continued to play and the guys at the table watched him, while I fled for the bus. I don't know why, but all of the sudden, I was kind of happy, this odd happy that I've never really felt before. It's hard to explain, but it's a great feeling. I almost wanted to talk about the whole incident with Carbon, but I was worried I would come off all FiFi like and she would be pissed at me. I don't want to make anyone mad. But, I did tell Carbon about the whole not getting a appointment sheet, and she gave me one. Thanks, Carbon!

Anyway, that's it for now. I have to go and work on my Italian project, and update squareone. Bye!

Your insane friend in the sky,


<< Monday, Mar. 10, 2003@3:14 p.m.>>


Photo Bucket Album
unique design


My name is Racecar, and I'm a music composition major at URI. I'm a senior this year and so I'm getting ready to both finish college and head out into the real world. Join me on my adventure, won't you?

