The most hungry Racecar around

Hello everyone! I haven't been doing much lately. My Jawbreaker cd finally came and it is so awesome, they sounded so great live. It's cool to have another cd for my car because I drive so much.

Not much else is going on. I didn't have Italian today because the teacher didn't show up, which I don't think is good. She said at yesterday's class that her mother was sick and I feel bad, because her mom probably got even worse. We stayed around for a while and one woman went down to the foreign language office, which is also the music office, so I know the secretary. Anyway, she wasn't there and so there was no way to tell whether the teacher would show up or not. Most people wanted to go to her next class because we had to take a test today

I couldn't go to her next class because I had to go to Sight Singing class. A few people sat around for a while and told ghost stories. One of the women in our class told a really scary story. She was walking in Florida on one of those bridges that folds up for boats. She was with her husband, and they both started seeing the lights that go on when the bridge goes up. She yelled that they should go faster to get to the end of bridge, but he husband didn't think they would lift the bridge with someone on it. Well, the bridge went up and they had to hang on for dear life and her husband had just had collarbone surgery and he broke it again. They were okay, but they were at a ninety degree angle for about five minutes, which I think is really scary, worse than a roller coaster ride just because it's longer. I just thought that was a really interesting story because I didn't think they did that to people either.

I talked to my Grandma just now and apparently my other aunt is in the hospital now, because she has vertigo and isn't talking right. It seems like sickness runs in my mom's side of the family. I went to my clarinet lesson and the song I play are so hard that it hurt my right wrist just to play. I did my singing and we're doing minor scales now in Sight Singing and it's really hard to play on the piano, especially when you don't play with two hands. I did that though, and I'm trying to learn to play with two hands now, which I think I'm doing okay with.

I think this guy in my music classes likes me, but I don't want to assume he does when he might just be nice and not actually like me. I kind of wish he did like me, because he's cute and he's smart and I would ask him out if I thought he liked me and got to know him enough. If he asked me out I would go out with him. I would like it if any guy liked me, mostly because it just makes a person feel good, doesn't it? I haven't had a guy like me since Perscocho, so it would be nice to have a guy in my own grade like me.

Oh, and this woman in Italian class told me that I was smart and mature, which is nice to hear. I kind of thought that having all those jingly things on my backpack made it look like I was immature. Everyone in that class thinks I'm genius or something because I went to college and was still seventeen going on eighteen, while most teenagers are eighteen going on nineteen. It's a nice feeling though, and it's important to me to be smart.

I didn't get to watch the Red Sox game last night, but I had a feeling they would win. I hope they win the World Series, because they're a good team and they deserve it. It would also be fun to watch all of New England go completely crazy, because there are tons of Red Sox fans out here. I guess no one really expected them to win the ALCS, because there are no ALCS hats around here and they won't be here until Saturday. There were lines of about a hundred people at all the sporting stores today looking for those hats. I bet if the Yankees had won those hats would be out right now. That kind of irritates me, because it seems like everyone underestimates the Red Sox. I'm going to go out on a limb for once and say that I think they will win the World Series this year and that there is no curse. I think it's just bad luck. Anyway, I'm going to eat dinner now (I know it says 1:54 pm, but that's when I started the entry). I put my computer to sleep while I practiced singing and clarinet and talked on the phone.I didn't finish this entry until six fifteen. Bye!

<< Thursday, Oct. 21, 2004@1:54 p.m.>>


Photo Bucket Album
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My name is Racecar, and I'm a music composition major at URI. I'm a senior this year and so I'm getting ready to both finish college and head out into the real world. Join me on my adventure, won't you?

