It's called My Buddy, so keep your hands off!

I'm actually getting hits from people visiting Meg's diary, which is kind of weird. I'm used to not getting many hits at all, just three or four people who usually read my diary, or maybe one who is searching for something odd on google. I've been getting a lot of those lately and I'm wondering what is wrong with some people. It's always someone using Firefox, too. I guess that's becoming the new big browser, which is nice because IE sucks, but I still use Mozilla because I just can't be bothered to install Firefox, though I think it is on my computer. Plus all my bookmarks are on Mozilla and I seem to add new ones almost everday. I need to clean out the damn thing weekly, because it seems like so many sites that I have bookmarked either move or get taken down, especially Neopets ones, that's happened at least four times in the past year. Basically, I am too lazy to use Firefox right now.

I've been kind of depressed lately and that's why I've been so upset about everything. I'm really trying to work hard with playing and everything. I feel like I've gotten a lot done in these past few days off and not playing the clarinet has really helped so that I can just work on the guitar. I have three songs to memorize and a ton of excercises to do with them. It's honestly pretty hard and I have a hard time keeping up in class with the guys. I just worry I'm not doing good in my classes and it seems like I'm not doing good in my social life (when am I ever?) and I feel like I'm not doing good at work, either. I honestly feel like my job there is in jeopardy because everyone in my department thinks there are too many people in the department.

I did good on my Voice test today, better than I did on the first singing test, which is all I care about because she grades on improvement as well as how good you can sing. If I improve and understand the stuff she talks about in class, I'll pass and not have to worry about it. I am doing better in Math, though some of the kids in there are so stupid that it makes me wish I could test out of it. One kid has a rat tail, I'm not even kidding you, as if that ever looked good at all. He has TWO of them! It just makes me wish I was blind, because that's the only hair trend that I don't understand and that I never will, I think rat tail just screams trail park hick. It could just be me though. It did take the damn kids about fifty minutes to figure out probability, while it took me about fifteen. Seriously, how hard it something you already learned in the fourth grade and reviewed in the tenth? It just irritates me how stupid people are and how the hell they get to college at all.

I keep getting distracted by I Love the 80's 3D, so I think I'm going to go to bed now and I'll write more tomorrow night. I'm going to go and look at a door for my car and I really hope to get one. Good night.

<< Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2005@9:54 p.m.>>


Photo Bucket Album
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My name is Racecar, and I'm a music composition major at URI. I'm a senior this year and so I'm getting ready to both finish college and head out into the real world. Join me on my adventure, won't you?

