Oh, how I long to care about stupid bullshit again!

Hey everybody! How are you all? I'm pretty good. I had a tough day, but it's always a tough day when I have History, Public Speaking, Photography and Italian. I did a speech today on my pet peeve about how girls always wear such annoying heals that clank and clack. Chip-Chop said I wasn't the only one who hated that. I kind of wondered what his pet peeve was... He's pretty funny. You should've seen it. This kid was moving his feet around during his speech, and when he went to sit down, and the teacher asked for our comments, Chip-Chop said "Stop moving your darn feet!" really loud. It was just so funny that we all started laughing, and I swear, the other classes in our hallway can hear him.

Perscocho was really annoying me today. He was trying to steal my stuff (as usual) and FiFi was saying how he wanted to have sex with me, and how we probably would end up doing it! I just hate the way she always acts so sexual, when she knows I don't like it (or at least she should by now). I know it's a part of her nature, but I don't want to hear about it. I don't like the idea of sex right now, because I'm not comfortable with the way I look, and I'm sorry if I'm the only girl who feels that way. Plus, Perscocho only wants me for sex anyway, it's not like I mean anything to him, and I would never sleep with anyone just for the sake of "scoring". I want to be with someone who cares about me, though that's an oxymoron in high school, or at least it seems. Maybe someday...

There is this guy I like, but I just don't know what the hell to think of him underneath everything. I'm pretty sure he would think I'm a nut if I told him how I felt about him. I think I'm going to stay away from guys for a while, and focus on my still uncertain future.

Hydrogen and I talked online for a bit today. I have to make her some U2 cds I promised I would make, and I got a cd (yes, Racecar went to Best Buy today, because she lives there!) with my guy list number on it, because I heard the band was awesome, and they are. We talked about how FiFi tried out for the Welfare High talent show. So did Hydrogen's new best friend. She was so biased towards her new best friend, it was insane. I don't know if I really like the idea of either of their performances. I like both of them, but I just think the whole ballad thing is so overdone. FiFi sang "How do I live" and Hydrogen's friend sang "I will always love you".

I don't like most female singers, to be totally honest. They're such bitches, the way that they always have to have top billing, and almost all of them sing in high, screechy voices. They can't even sing stuff that sounds new and interesting, they have to sing the same old overdone bullshit about how their "baby" (they almost all overuse that phrase, or "sweetheart" or some other name for a signifigant other that most normal people don't say nearly as much) broke up with them, or how they love them. I've heard good ballads before, but I think the best ballads come from the soul, and are written by the person who sings them. I'm pretty sure that neither LeAnn Rimes or Whitney Houston could write a proper ballad, no matter how good they can sing.

I just don't feel the emotion in that kind of music. How come no one ever sings any rock songs at these events? I almost want to try out next year, and do a rock song, maybe by an indie band, so no one knows what I'm singing, because there are so many good bands out there, with awesome songs, that go unrecognized. I'd like to bring one of those songs to the masses. Not only that, but I just think that people need to hear different kinds of music. I know it's usually up to the bands, but I don't like the local bands too much, they sound like the mainstream ones, only louder. I want to start my own band, and do something totally new and different, but I just don't know how I would do any of it, because I don't know a person who would want to do it with me.

I guess this entry was kind of pointless, but I needed to tell someone about my problem with the little high pitched sopranos and the way some of them have superiority complexes. This entry was sort of in the spirit of someone, but I'll leave the rest to the imaginations of anyone who still has one. Maybe someday, I can follow my dreams, I just wish I didn't have to wait for it all to happen. I want to do it now. I want it NOW, just like with everything and everyone else, I can't wait all too well. I don't see what any of this stuff is for in helping me chase after my dreams. Sorry if I sound depressing or something, I meant to sound spirited. Do you know why? :) Read the html name! :) Hope no one finds out what all this crap at the end really means, you'd think I was high, and I probably am! :)

Your insane friend in the sky,


<< Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2002@8:21 p.m.>>


Photo Bucket Album
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My name is Racecar, and I'm a music composition major at URI. I'm a senior this year and so I'm getting ready to both finish college and head out into the real world. Join me on my adventure, won't you?

