Damn you, VH1!

I didn't write on Thursday night because I was tired. I wanted to write last night, but Diaryland was down. I am telling you, this whole thing with my gold membership is giving this site bad luck, because it first went down two months ago, when Meg got me my gold membership. Coincidence? I think not! By the way, I'm joking, but I do find it a little weird/annoying. I'm just glad that it is back now.

Oh my gosh! The Rock and Roll hall of fame thing is on and I thought I had missed the part that I was looking forward to, but no, it's on right now! I love U2 and there is no way in Hell I will get to see them live, but I'm glad I get to hear them now. They were on the radio all day on St. Patrick's Day, which resulted in me getting every U2 song that the radio station played got caught in my head. Though one radio station played The Cranberries, who I never have really liked. Oh and Storytellers is still on, which is awesome because that is one of VH1's best shows. I love the way the artists play and talk about their songs, it's kind of like what Unplugged was, but it's still on. I feel like a total dork for liking U2 and VH1, because I don't know people my age who do, but I'm just glad to catch the part of the concert I wanted to see.

I got my new jeans on Thursday night and they are the best! They're all cotton, which I honestly haven't seen in a pair of jeans in a really long time. They feel so much nicer and soft, I don't even feel like I am wearing jeans, more like pajama bottoms. I know it's not as strong as denim, but I love it and they fit really nice. I don't think I'll ever buy my jeans anywhere else, becuase Express always has nice ones that fit me just right. Man, I must sound like a talking ad and none of these bands/channels/stores are paying me to talk about them!

Friday was a day off from school, so I slept in and did my usual stuff. I went to Wakefield and I learned that the cute guy who is in my major is going to Berklee next year. I'm really bummed out by that, because I know he will do good there, but I kind of want him here for my own selfish reasons. I feel like I kind of need him around to help guide me through all of this because he seems to know more than I do even though we are in the same year at school. I think he's really cute, too and I wouldn't mind going out with him, but I know that I never could. Why do I always like guys who never seem to be my type? It's like a disease that some people have and I am one of the people who has it.

I colored my hair and now it is a bit darker than it was before, but it does look kind of nice. It's more of a dark brown and the golden streaks are starting to fade out of it, though I think it's because the color was darker than I though it would be. I like it because my hair is in a way, all one color, yet the different parts are a bit darker or light and they're not all the same. Do you know what I mean? My hair is a bunch of different tints of the same shade.

My guitar teacher asked me what I've been listening to yesterday and I couldn't tell him. I don't know what is wrong with me, but I always feel like I can't tell people what I like. I even feel embarassed writing in here sometimes about what I like. I worry people will read this and think I am phony, that I am only saying I like some of this stuff because it's popular. I also feel the need to lie and say I listen to complicated music to musicians, because everything I listen to is probably power chords or really simple chord progressions. I kind of feel stupid listening to what I do listen to because I feel I should listen to more complicated stuff. I just wonder if anyone has any idea as to why I am so embarassed to admit that I like the things I like? I hate trying to look cool in front of people, but I know I want to.

I also hate the way that I am always wanting a boyfriend. I really want a guy to hug me and kiss me, to tell me that I am pretty and that he loves me. I know it probably sounds really dumb, and there are so many guys that I would not mind if they said that to me at all, yet I know they never will. It really bums me out that I have never held hands with a guy and I want to know what it feels like. I worry that I get too attached to guys though, because I still think, everyday, of a guy I used to like and probably still like, who I haven't even talked to in over two years, almost two and a half. I also like a bunch of guys who I have no chance with, but there is one who stands out in my mind, probably because my chances with him are slim to nil, yet he seems like everything I want in a guy, along with some things that I just find odd, but in a cool way. I can't help but think about him, and i even miss him, even though he's gone and I don't really talk to him whether he is around or not. I think I'm going crazy sometimes. Also, why is everyone rushing to get gas all the time? I got some today and it was a three car line, two before me. I wish this country was movre concered about getting fuel efficent cars than paying a few pennies less for gas, and it scares me how the government has links to the oil companies, I worry that fuel efficient American cars will never happen and that too many Americans don't care about the enviroment, which is bullshit, because that's where we live and I think global warming is real. I just had to get that stuff off of my chest.

I went to work today and it was really busy. It was so busy that all I had time to do was zone and be asked a bunch of questions. It went by pretty fast, but other than that it was kind of boring. Nothing really eventful has been happening lately. I keep waking up much earlier than I would like to because a certain Sheltie named Blake keeps barking his brains out every morning. My Dad bought a bunch of oranees and some cereal which made me glad. I'm going to end this entry now because I really have nothing to say and VH1 is distracting me really bad. I have to go to bed soon anyway. I'll write more later, if Diaryland manages to stay up. Bye!

<< Saturday, Mar. 19, 2005@10:34 p.m.>>


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My name is Racecar, and I'm a music composition major at URI. I'm a senior this year and so I'm getting ready to both finish college and head out into the real world. Join me on my adventure, won't you?

