Crazy people aren't so fucking boring

Today was an okay day. I went to Sight Singing and we actually did some singing this time, which was good, because I hate it when we do ear training. I have been working on my ear training and I think I'm doing better, but I won't know until I have a test in class, which probably won't be until next week. I went to Jazz Ensemble and it wasn't so bad, at least not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I did get angry that I couldn't keep up with the other guys, but Mr. Stick didn't yell at me today like he usually does and I actually improvised, for the first time in a while. I do improvise everyday, but not in front of people, just when I am practicing. He also told us that the thing we are playing at is more of a clinic than a concert type thing and they are going to tell us what we are doing wrong and such. I'm kind of scared of that now, even more so than I was before, because I don't want to have people judging me.

Is anyone bothered by that new Diet Pepsi commerical with the Ramones song in it? It really makes me mad the way that advertisers always use cool songs in shitty commericals for stuff I would never buy. I don't think most people who drink Diet Pepsi listen to the Ramones and it would probably be better to use some dumb chick who can barely sing and can't write a song, you know, someone from American Idol or something. Or maybe a rap song, because most people like that stuff, too. I really wish every good band would get control of their music now before it's too late, because it's really unfair to them to have their music taken away and it's going to suck years from now when we have to see good bands have the meanings of their songs all fucked up because some dumb company needs to sell something that no one will buy. I just am angry that any of this stuff is done, I know some of the Ramones are dead, so they couldn't control the way their songs are used, but the family memebers of the deceased ones should get say in the matter. It makes me mad to see these stupid commericals, I'm starting to hate commericals in general. I also don't like the idea of food products having a party, I don't think my soft drinks should be partying in the fridge, and if they do, I'm setting up a show. I don't drink Diet Pepsi though, so I guess my soda cans will never dance.

There was a fire at school yesterday around one and all classes were cancelled it was stupid though, because I only had one class left and that was English, though I really don't like that class very much because the teacher gives us a ton of work and he is really boring. I feel like I've learned nothing from him and Carbon had the same teacher last semester and felt the same way. It turns out that the fire was in the student government office and it was a copier that jammed with paper. It seems to me that schools should not be allowed to have copiers, because they only cause trouble and the schools are too poor to get good copiers or take proper care of them. They always end up breaking down and not getting fixed for weeks on end. Think about it, how many times have you heard a teacher at school complain about how the copier is broken? I think every school should just be near a copy place, or that a copy place should be put near a school, that way there is always a copier, but never some stupid, cheap one that won't be fixed for a few weeks. That's just what I've noticed at every single school I've ever gone to, but I haven't gone to many.

I haven't really done much else. I'm excited about Friday because I don't have school. I also read that there is going to be a Shins concert at Brown University in April and I think I can go because it's on a Thursday, so I am going to talk to Dad about it and when it is up on Brown's website or on ticketmaster, I'm going to try and buy a ticket or two. I really want to go to a concert because they're so fun, but every one that is around here is either on the wrong night or it's not nearby enough. I do think I should go to Boston someday with my car though, I don't know why, but I really want to, though I don't think my Dad would like it and I don't think anyone would go with me. If I ever find someone to go with me I am going to go and get lost up there, because it sounds like fun.

Oh, and I freaked out a little girl today. It was nice out so I decided to put my sunroof up (it opens up and goes inward, it's a moonroof/sunroof, but I'm not sure what you call it, really) and I had my Ted Leo and the Pharmacists cd kind of loud and there was a bus in front of me. The girl who got out just looked at me like I had lost my mind. I doubt she liked what I was listening to and I doubt she'll hear it ever again. I kind of think it's fun to blast music every now and then and it's never so loud that my car is shaking or anything, but I do feel kind of bad that people can hear it. Yet, I'm irritated at the bastards at school who play shitty music with a ton of bass in it really loud, so that you can feel the music in the ground. Do you know what I mean?

I have to do my ear training stuff and then go to bed. Meg, I'll leave you a note later, I did read your entry, but I am too tired and lazy to type now. By the way, I am such a doofus that I didn't put in my gold member stats tracker until today. Does anyone know if it is possible to renew a gold membership early? I want to renew it over the summer in case I forget or lose my job. I could probably have my Dad or my Grandma give me the money if that happened, but I really am sick of borrowing money. I'll update squareone with something on Friday. Bye!

<< Tuesday, Mar. 15, 2005@9:05 p.m.>>


Photo Bucket Album
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My name is Racecar, and I'm a music composition major at URI. I'm a senior this year and so I'm getting ready to both finish college and head out into the real world. Join me on my adventure, won't you?

