It's just an unhealthy obsession, don't worry.

Well, since no one is updating, I'm going to update. Last night I came home, took a nap and didn't do much else. I woke up after my Dad came home and was online for a while. Then I played guitar until about one in the morning. My hand was bothering me, which was really awful because it was turning red and swelling. It was so bad I couldn't even get my class ring off and I was worried I wouldn't be able to play guitar. I still did, but it hurt a bit. I also realized that I need to start playing Stuart again, because I'm not used to the missing dot on his third fret, or the fact that he is so bulky.

I had a very boring day today. I don't think I even talked to that many people. I just swept up the playground and the dining area until four in the afternoon. I started working at eleven thirty and it just gets so freaking boring after a while. All these kids were screaming and these mothers kept dragging the baby chairs across the floor, which sounds like nails on a chalkboard. They never put them back either and taught their kids to make a friggin mess. I wish that people would teach their children to be polite and neat, that's what my grandmother is always attempting to teach me.

Oh, I wanted to ask a question to all you guitar players out there, namely Meg. What is a good acoustic guitar? I don't want to pay too much around $300 would be in my range. I'm thinking of getting an Ovation or an Ibanez, though if I got the Ovation it would be used.

They have a nice Balladeer on sale at Daddy's (it's a music store, where I got Stuart actually) and it's American made, which I like. I really wanted to get a Martin, but with the money I make a week, I won't have the money I need. I want the guitar because I want to make a good impression and I really don't think my acoustic is that great. So, if anyone has any advice, that would be great.

I don't have much else to say. Tomorrow I have to go to this girl's house, whom I've never met and don't know to make a kite. She seems nice though and I live right nearby. I could walk there if I couldn't drive. I really wanted to go see my Grandma though, which I know sounds odd. I also really wanted to go to the movies on Monday with my friends, because I know that Grandma wouldn't go see "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" with me, because Jim Carrey is in it and she hates him. I'm going to see it on Monday though, whether anyone goes with me or not remains to be seen. I would go alone if I had to. I'm not going to see "The Passion" it's just too bloody for me. If they made a PG version, I would go see that, but I doubt they will. I think it's weird how everyone seems so religious now, it makes me feel bad that I'm not.

I'm going to attempt to look at some guitars and car parts online. I like the way that my car is messed up now, because people seem a bit intimidated by me, which is something I never imagined I would get in such a tiny car. FiFi has a car now, it's a Ford Escort I think it's a 1991. I think it's a good car, it sounds like one, but then again, I love older Fords. Hydrogen got a Saturn, which I don't like because they seem kind of cheap. The used 1999s, same years as my car, only go for about $5,000 where as my car, in the end, cost about twice that. Hydrogen's even has way less mileage, only 25,000.

Oh and Blake is a big giant idiot. Last night my Dad got a new cover for the couch, because we won't be getting a new one any time soon. Anyway, he doesn't know where the edge is, and he flopped on the couch, went over the edge and fell on his back. He couldn't get up for a few minutes, but when he finally did, he was okay. My Dad is kind of mad at him right now for being so hyper tonight. He keeps bothering poor little Ginny. I'm finally going to do what I said I was going to do before. I'll write more later. Bye!


<< Saturday, Mar. 27, 2004@8:57 p.m.>>


Photo Bucket Album
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My name is Racecar, and I'm a music composition major at URI. I'm a senior this year and so I'm getting ready to both finish college and head out into the real world. Join me on my adventure, won't you?

