Sneezy the porn star!

That's the oldest title I haven't used. FiFi used to call me Kat the porn star, because I hated her little sex chats more than her other friends did. Anyway, she was over my house during the summer. In the morning, I sneeze a ton, and I don't know why, she heard me, and said "Maybe I should call you sneezy the porn star!". That's part of where my e-mail address comes from, too, except I took out the "porn". I don't really think I'm a star, if you think my ego is big, I can honestly tell you it's not.

I've been thinking about someone a ton lately, well, actually, two people. FiFi, being one of them, because no one seems to notice that she's not around, or at least mention it. She hasn't been in school, or talked to anyone in a while, and I have to wonder what happened to her. I talked to Dancer, and she told me that FiFi wouldn't be in the for the rest of the school year, which is about a month and eleven days from now.

The other person is this guy. I wrote a poem about him for the Poetry Cafe we had in English yesterday. It was really fun, because everyone got to eat, though most people were too shy to read poems. I wrote mine in class, because I felt sad about her disappointment when I told her I hadn't written one. I just don't like my writing, and I haven't really lately. There's better writers out there, and I know it, and I don't think I'd be good enough to succeed in it.

Disney recited an entire Dr. Suess book, and tried to sing a Billy Joel song, but forgot the words. Then, he tried to recite another Dr. Suess book, and messed up, and everyone heard him say "I fucked that up!". The teacher heard him, though he denied he said that to her. She said "Dr. Suess wouldn't talk that way!" It was funny.

The poem that I wrote was about this guy, and I think I'll put it in here, but I won't let anyone know who he is, no one would anyway:

That summer shined so bright,

It felt like eternal daylight

Everyday, you'd come on by,

The only one who never made me cry.

I always felt so out of place

A spy waiting to be caught

Not sure where I belonged,

Or if I belonged at all.

You told me your secrets,

And all the things you learned

A long time ago,

You were just like me.

I looked forward to seeing you,

I could tell you anything,

And I knew you'd understand

Yet, I never got to say a word.

I went to find you one day,

I had so many things to say

Only to find,

You'd run away.

I always thought you'd be there

Forever a part of my life

Now you're gone

And so is the sun.

I regret everything I didn't say,

I think of you everyday,

I wish you'd just come back

And we could make a place of our own.

By the way, by that last line, I didn't mean having kids or anything like that, if that's what you think! Not much is going on, but I have some stuff to do, so that's it for now. Bye!


<< Thursday, May. 08, 2003@4:59 p.m.>>


Photo Bucket Album
unique design


My name is Racecar, and I'm a music composition major at URI. I'm a senior this year and so I'm getting ready to both finish college and head out into the real world. Join me on my adventure, won't you?

