Hola! Habla ingles?

Hello. I can't believe I haven't used that title, since that's what Lithium always asks me when we see each other. If I'm in a good mood, I say "Yes.", if I'm in a bad mood, I say "No." She says it because people call the pizza place where she works, speaking Spanish, and ask that question, which makes no sense, since they should ask "Habla espenol?". I probably spelt that wrong, but I don't take Spanish, I take Italian.

I had a weird day today. I was in Journalism, and Mr. Chinese (my math teacher from last year, who nearly failed me) walked in and talked to the teacher. He did that in Algebra 2 as well. I can't stand him, and seeing him made me nervous. I think he was trying to stalk me today, thank goodness he lost me in Chemistry, because I wouldn't know what to do, since I sit in the front in that class.

Other than that, the day was pretty good. Lunch was pretty boring, since I couldn't find any of my friends. I have lunch alone tomorrow, and I hate it so much. I'm already alone in all my classes, except English, so I'm getting paranoid that they'll just stop talking to me soon. Mr. Lambchops is in my English class, and he's leaving. He's my only friend there, but I honestly have a hard time talking to him anywhere but the internet.

I wish I had something interesting to say. Yesterday was really weird. It was incredibly windy out, which was kind of cool, since in Italian class, the tiles from the roof were going up and down, and the teacher would stop and look up, which took about five minutes out of the class. Any time out of Italian is good, though the teacher doesn't call on me anymore, since she feels all bad about my mom.

Not only was it windy, but Dancer had band practice for the football game, and her papers were blowing everywhere. I honestly wish I were in band again, but I haven't played the clarinet in five years, and I wasn't good then, either.

I might be getting a guitar for my birthday, but I'm not sure, not that any of you need to know. FiFi told me that my friends are saving up for it, even though I didn't ask them to. I'm so glad, it would be cool to get a guitar from them, though where they would get over a hundred dollars in less than a month without jobs is beyond me, so I doubt it.

I really have to do my Italian homework now, since all I did today was laugh at this band on public access. It was pretty funny, they weren't even singing in English, they had all these old ugly guys in the band and they were playing poka type music while singing in Spanish. There were these people dancing to it, and they would glide by, like the floor was slippery. Most of the couples didn't match either. There was a guy wearing a pink shirt, and his wife was wearing a sliver shirt, and his wasn't very fancy, but hers was. There was also a woman wearing a really short dress, and the guy she was dancing with kept grabbing her butt. They were all pretty old too (in their seventies and sixties), it was really weird, but funny.

I also requested a music video, and my dad watched it with me, though I didn't want him to. They played the video, but not my message, even though they said they would, which was pretty stupid. I don't even remeber what it said. I think it said: "The octopus are coming! Run as fast as you can! And while you're at it, take me with you! :)" and it was to Lithium. Anyway, I have to go now, bye!

Your insane friend in the sky,


<< Thursday, Sept. 12, 2002@6:36 p.m.>>


Photo Bucket Album
unique design


My name is Racecar, and I'm a music composition major at URI. I'm a senior this year and so I'm getting ready to both finish college and head out into the real world. Join me on my adventure, won't you?

