Shhhh! Racecar is sleeping!

Actually, I'm not sleeping, but I do wish I was. I'm so tired right now that I'm suprised I can keep my eyes open. I haven't had a full nights' sleep in almost a week. I don't know why, either, but I find myself going to bed at ten or eleven at night and waking up at four in the morning.

Not much happened today. I went with Dancer to Wal-Mart and we saw Perscocho (though we didn't want to). We were picking out toys for this poor kid, and I got him a...Racecar! Seriously, I didn't realize how ironic that was until now, though maybe ironic is the wrong word.

We didn't do much at school, except have Christmas parties. I did fall asleep in English, while we were watching "Raisin in the Sun", which is a play we're reading. I just couldn't keep my eyes open, and we did a lab in Chemistry. At lunch, Incubus Boy flirted with me, and Lithium did a drawing of oil coming out of his head. It was pretty funny, the way that his hair was shooting out oil. He took the first drawing of himself and threw it at Hydrogen, who's friend, Girl, through it back, along with a tater tot.

Speaking of tater tots, there was a food fight in our lunch, and we learned another property of school food (other than the bouncing). It can fly! Yes, the amazingly rubbery school food flew across the cafeteria, which smells like burning rubber, while the freshman hallway smells like piss (poor Perscocho the freshju has to smell it everyday). My locker hallway no longer smells like smoke, thank someone.

Lithium drew another picture of Incubus boy and this one said "If it's not blue, it's not Incubus!". It's kind of his philosophy, since he wears the same blue colored shirt everyday and constantly talks about Incubus. I feel quite regretful about telling him I like Incubus (though I do) because now he thinks I'm obsessed with them like he is. Rumor is he wears the same shirt everyday because he spends his money on cds and the way he talks about Incubus, I wouldn't be suprised. Lithium also said she's pretty sure he likes me, which means it's not all in my head. Dammit!

Other than that, little went on. In Italian yesterday, the teacher wasn't there, which led us to believe she is the Grinch, because every week before Christmas, she's never in school. I wonder if that's why the Italian children don't celebrate Christmas like we do, or, maybe she's the Christmas witch! You see, in Italian, there's a Christmas witch (La Befana) who gives the good kids toys on Christmas day. I don't know what she gives the bad kids, but she's supposedly hideous and that's close enough to my Italian teacher. Joking, she's not that ugly!

Our History teacher told us this story about her friend, who had three lovers, all of whom died while sleeping with her. I thought it was pretty funny! I'm wondering what kind of sex would kill a guy, unless he's in his eighties.

We also tried to pick the locks in Italian, so we could get our soda in the cabinets. We weren't successful, though. It was funny to watch the guy I like try to pick locks. He's so funny! He's one of these leader types, and his code name is Yang, who's dad is Ming, who's a teacher at Welfare High, and who knows my dad. That's why I'm reluctant to tell anyone. Especially Dancer, who used to like this kid, and who's cousin is friends with him. Then again, who isn't her cousin friends with? I think I'll practice my guitar now. Bye!

Your insane friend in the sky,


<< Wednesday, Dec. 18, 2002@6:13 p.m.>>


Photo Bucket Album
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My name is Racecar, and I'm a music composition major at URI. I'm a senior this year and so I'm getting ready to both finish college and head out into the real world. Join me on my adventure, won't you?

