I might just be sleeping beauty, or ugly for that matter.

Well, not much has really happened since I wrote my last entry. I have consumed my weight in Pop Tarts and smashed my neck into my stereo yesterday morning, thinking I was sideways on my bed. I rolled over in order to get to the front of my bed, but since I was already there, I rolled over the side of my bed, into my stereo while it was playing, though it didn't stop or skip when I hit it. I did hurt my neck pretty bad, and all day yesterday I was walking around with my head down. I actually slept through an 84 minute study this time, which is unlike me.

Luckily, I had two studies yesterday, where I slept and did my Physics notes. I had Italian, where we decorated the room and showed our homework to the teacher. I also had Physics, where we had this weird experiment. We worked in pairs and each person took a meter length of string, and basically tied their hands together with it, leaving a great deal of string between the two hands. That area of string was then knotted with their partners string, and we had to find a way out. It was really hard, because no one had ANY idea how to do it. Only one group out of about 12 figured it out, though it was funny to watch people try to get out, and to try to get out ourselves. I worked with this girl wearing an AFI shirt, and she tried to climb through the string between my hands, but we remained stuck. Many did the same, and two guys got stuck together, with one guy's leg against the other's arm, though they did find their way out of that, they still didn't get free of their string bond. Guy 4 showed us how to do it afterward, which was cool. He also showed us a tape of his daughter playing with a cd player since she was nine months old at the time. He explained that humans are the only animals that experiment with things and remember what happens and eventually solve problems. He told us that that was what his daughter was doing, that it was a part of human nature, and that it was what made us different from other animals with better sight, strength, etc.

The poodle kept looking at me in study, while she was talking to Dancer. Dancer wants me to make up with her, but I really don't want to. I mean, I just feel like it's going to be as it was before and she'll be controlling and take advantage of my faults. She's afraid of me anyway, and she makes me very nervous. Even Mr. Lambchops has been giving me odd looks, the kind that you give when someone disgusts you. I don't care that the two of them feel that way, because I feel like that towards them a bit, too. Yet, I don't think that they should go around giving me these kind of looks, as if to give me the feeling that I'm below them. I don't see why everyone can't just be seen as equal, despite our ablities or problems. I haven't done anything to them either, but I guess it's all their problem, since I just try to ignore them and keep away at all costs.

The poodle is in my Instrumental Workshop class, but I'm going to stay in it. I'm the only girl guitar player in there anyway, and I really want to get better with my playing and prove to some doubting people, like my Grandma, that I'm serious about music. It's been my saving grace for the past five years, when no one was there for me, I would turn on the radio, and it seemed like I could almost always find a song to relate to. It's like other people out there feel and think the way I do, and to me, that's always a reassuring thing.

Yet, I do kind of feel uncomfortable in that class. It seems like everyone in that class is really good at what they play, like they were born with their insturment in their hand (there are also bass and drum players, besides acoustic and electric guitarists). I'm not as good as they are, and my guitar is so cheap that it doesn't even come with a pick up, so I had to borrow my teacher's which is old and covered in putty, because that's what holds it on to the guitar. I do want to get an amp for it, because it sounds really awesome with an amp, but they have one at school, so I don't really need it. Yet, it would be nice to learn how to use one so I don't look stupid when I need one. I do want to ask the teacher if my pick up is okay, though, but I think it is.

Not much else is going on. My neck does feel better than it did yesterday, as now I can turn my head and keep my head up for long periods of time. Yesterday, I had to lie down for a few minutes every now and then, because it hurt just to keep my head up. I was really tired, too, because school seems to make me very tired and irritable. I slept for fourteen hours since school got out yesterday at two, and I'm tired again, but I'm waiting for Carbon to call me. I'm going to go babysitting with her tonight, but I'm not staying overnight, so I am going to come home, work out and play guitar. I notice that I've been online less lately, and I'm sorry if anyone is bothered by that. I'm going to write more soon and attempt to update squareone. I'm going to get picked up soon. Bye!


<< Saturday, Aug. 30, 2003@4:57 p.m.>>


Photo Bucket Album
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My name is Racecar, and I'm a music composition major at URI. I'm a senior this year and so I'm getting ready to both finish college and head out into the real world. Join me on my adventure, won't you?

