That sketchpad always breaks my heart

I'm sorry that I haven't written in two weeks (it doesn't feel like two, more like a million). Time has been going by so fast lately, it's kind of hard for me to understand. Not much is really going on. I'm working 35 hours this week, which I think will lead to a great deal of bitchiness on my part. That's why I'm probably going to keep this short.

Last week kind of sucked. I hung out with Reneesme on Tuesday, but she was in a bad mood (which has been happening a lot lately, I don't think we've been getting along that well because of it). We went to Barnes and Noble and then watched some shows. We laughed because the main character sounded like Diana's fiancee. We did the same thing today, though I only got Bleach 27 at Barnes and Noble this time, and I read that when we got back to her house. We watched Gurren Lagann, since the third limited edition set finally came in. I had kind of given up on getting it this month, since everywhere online seems to be out of it. Not to mention everybody and their brother says that Bandai has been having problems with DVD manufacturing, which made me worry that if I got one soon, it would be a bad DVD. I have to say, I haven't had any problems with Bandai's DVDs, and I do have quite a few of them (like Cowboy Bebop, Escaflowne, Haruhi Suzumiya and Lucky Star). I heard that they're having financial problems, too, which isn't much of a surprise, though it is kind of sad. Out of all the anime companies, they're my favorite because I think they tend to get the best shows and their dubs are usually at least passable, if not really good. I was just so happy to finally get Gurren Lagann, it's my favorite anime show, which makes me feel like a newbie, but still.

I went to my guitar lesson today and it was okay, though I felt like I was off my game. It's weird, because I've been practicing everyday for the past two weeks now. Today I'm not practicing because I have to go to bed soon. I figure I could use a break, I'm not working out either (which probably isn't so good). I do intend to work out tomorrow though, probably with the EA Active game I got on Friday. It's pretty hard and the workouts are long because of the instructional videos, but it's still good. I have to wonder if it will be effective at all, but time will tell. I've lost weight with Wii Fit, but for some reason, I'm worried that EA Active won't work as well. Everyone says it's tougher than Wii Fit though, so I figure I should give it a shot.

The weekend sucked because I worked the whole time pretty much. I didn't get a lot of sleep, either. I have to admit, this long work week, with all the hours, is probably going to turn me into a royal bitch.

I've been listening to Fountains of Wayne a lot lately, I'm not sure why. I'm listening to Error FM right now and they're playing them. I like Error FM, but I listen to the Indie Pop station. They played Lily Allen before and I actually liked it, she has a nice voice with that British accent. It's odd, because the Fountains of Wayne song that came on was "Hey Julie" which is off of "Welcome Interstate Managers" which is my favorite album by them. I don't get why they aren't more popular, their music is relatable and catchy, and it's not like they swear a lot. I don't know why I've been listening to them so much lately, especially that album.

I sometimes think I am losing it. Especially these past two weeks, with all the stress that has been piling up on me. I really need a day to myself, to lounge around the house, no work, no school. No hanging out with anyone or driving anywhere, not even the market. Just a day to catch up on reading and sleeping (I'm so far behind on books it's sad). I'm worried that I'm developing medical problems because of the lack of sleep I've had. My left eye keeps getting a black spot in it which makes it hard to focus. My heart keeps beating funny. Sometimes it beats perfectly normal, like now, but when I am worried about something or under stress, it starts to skip beats or even speed up a bit. I actually lost a few hours of sleep last night because of it, and had to look up irregular heartbeat on Wikipedia because I was terrified that they were all serious and I'd end up dying young. I really want to live into my 80's, if not longer. Though honestly, say all you want about these medical breakthroughs of today, if the healthcare is not affordable for the people with problems, it's of no use to anyone.

I hate how my life is going to change irrevocably soon, within the next year and a half. I'm not looking forward to it. I feel kind of like Wendy from Peter Pan, having to grow up when I don't feel ready. The funny thing is, all of my peers are already grown up, and I'm dragging my feet. Despite how much I want a boyfriend (I sometimes think it's just about companionship, though I do like kissing and that kind of stuff), I'm terrified at the prospect of it. Maybe that's why every guy I like doesn't like me, I'm just sabotaging myself by liking the wrong type of guys. To be honest, I'm at the point where I will go out with most any guy, even though I do have someone from school in my mind. I think he thinks I'm stupid though so I'm not sure it's worth the bother. I read that guys base their feelings for a girl on their first impression of her. Is that true? I think it's kind of bs.

Anway, I'm going to go to bed now. Good night.

<< Tuesday, May. 26, 2009@9:52 p.m.>>


Photo Bucket Album
unique design


My name is Racecar, and I'm a music composition major at URI. I'm a senior this year and so I'm getting ready to both finish college and head out into the real world. Join me on my adventure, won't you?

