It's like a disease, you know what I mean?

I notice that it seems to be like a disease, the way that some people say things and repeat them over and over, which tends to happen to those around them, too. Not necessarily the same words, but different ones. There's this kid in my English class that I used to like and he says "You know what I mean?" at least three or four times when he talks and says it about thirty times a class. I counted out of boredom one day, but I realize that I say some words quite often, too. The more aware I become of it, though, the more I tend to do it or at least notice that I've been doing it.

Speaking of English, we went on Google today and I guess if you type in "miserable failure" it brings you to President Bush's biography (the current president, not his dad). That is if you hit the I'm feeling lucky button. If not, it will still have the bio at the top of the results list, along wtih former President Carter's bio, which is weird because no one really cares about him anymore, though I don't know of anyone who thought he was a good president. You also get an article about how people are doing this miserable failure thing on purpose and it's happened before. It is kind of funny, but I don't think the President is a failure, I think he has definately screwed up since he got into office, but every president does. I don't really like him, but I don't hate him, either. I just wish we could have a president who wasn't old, rich and white, becuase I feel like all these guys have the same point of view and don't know what it's like to grow up without money or to not go to an Ivy League school, but a regular one. I can't relate to them and I feel like they can't relate to me and so they don't know what I want from my government and therefore can't provide it.

The Red Sox were on the front page of the paper today because they went to the White House yesterday. I don't know why I found it funny, but I did. I think it's dumb that Pedro didn't show up but I guess he is dedicated to the Mets now. I think it's going to be the end of sports someday if all these pro athletes keep acting the way they do. With the millions of dollars in salaries, I bet the Yankees payroll could feed a few million starving children. I also think it is stupid how they only do their jobs for money and not for fun, why wouldn't you want to play in the same place? I would love to play at Fenway, it's the best ballpark in the country and it's one of the oldest, too. It's too small to hold most of the people who want to go there, but it seems like the coolest place and I want to go there someday. I just wish that players would stop being so petty and I also think they shouldn't take steroids and stuff, because it's stupid. The only real proven way to get better is to practice. Musicians practice and they get better and athletes should be the same way and it makes me mad that they're not.

I worked yesterday and it was okay. I did my training stuff that is due up until mid April, so I'm not worried about it any more. I was having a bad day and just working helped me to get my mind off of some stuff. I really hate the way that everyone in the training videos has a Southern accent. I mean, it's okay, but after hearing it for several hours you feel like you're going crazy. No one around here really talks like that so I'm not used to it all the time and it gets on my nerves. I think it's funny though, because when I got home last night, the Wall-Mart episode of South Park was on, which is a great episode but it makes me feel bad that I work at Wal-Mart, I feel like I'm contributing to the world's most evil store and I also don't like the way they try to brainwash you in the training videos into thinking only their way. I think unions are okay when workers are being abused and stuff, they can be bad, but not always.

Today I went to my classes and came home. I'm not really feeling like I'm doing too well in some of them. I feel way in over my head in Jazz Ensemble and I'm having a really hard time with Ear Training, so I have no idea what to do, I have to buy a program for my computer over the next week and use it. I'm just worried I won't do well in school. I'm not sure if this feeling is justified or not. I have a ton of work to do over vacation which I fully intend to do.

I really don't have much else to write about, I need to try and look for some ear trainging programs and to try and do some ear training. I also have to get to bed early because I am really tired, but I'll probably write more on Saturday, or whenever I have the time. I'm going to a concert tomorrow night at RIC, I really want to go to a real concert, but it seems like no good bands are coming here. It sucks living in Rhode Island. Oh and I'm getting new glasses which I am really exicted about, I picked them out yesterday and I should have them by next Wednesday. They are rimless and they are this pretty blue green color and they guy there said they matched my eyes. I really like them, I almost got some half rimmed blue ones that were round, but they looked funny on my face with that weird round shape and they felt too close to the glasses I have now. I also learned that LensCrafters did a shitty job on my lenses, so if you ever need glasses, don't go to them becuase they can't cut a lens for the life of them. I'll write more later. Bye!

<< Thursday, Mar. 03, 2005@8:10 p.m.>>


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My name is Racecar, and I'm a music composition major at URI. I'm a senior this year and so I'm getting ready to both finish college and head out into the real world. Join me on my adventure, won't you?

